Cecilia Rocha
Cecilia Rocha
FEUP - Citta
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Cited by
PortoLivingLab: An IoT-based sensing platform for smart cities
PM Santos, JGP Rodrigues, SB Cruz, T Lourenço, PM d’Orey, Y Luis, ...
IEEE Internet of Things Journal 5 (2), 523-532, 2018
Manual técnico para elaboração de planos municipais de redução de ruído
APO de Carvalho, CAAC da Rocha
Retrofitting public spaces for thermal comfort and sustainability
J Cortesão, FB Alves, H Corvacho, C Rocha
Indoor and Built Environment 25 (7), 1085-1095, 2016
Parking management policies and the effectiveness of public policy solutions
Á Costa, C Rocha, S Melo
Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences 111, 965-973, 2014
A reflection on low energy renovation of residential complexes in Southern Europe
H Corvacho, F Brandão Alves, C Rocha
Sustainability 8 (10), 987, 2016
Action plans and municipal noise reduction plans in Portugal
C Rocha, A Carvalho
Turkish Acoustical Society-36th International Congress and Exhibition on …, 2007
Environmental noise exposure assessment from fireworks at festivals and pilgrimages in Northern Portugal
RS Passos, CAAC da Rocha, APO de Carvalho, LB da Silva, ...
Applied Acoustics 181, 108143, 2021
Exposure to firework noise in festivals
RS Passos, APO Carvalho, CAAC Rocha
Euronoise 2015, 2015
II Encontro Nacional Sobre Reabilitação Urbana e Construção Sustentável: do Edifício para a Escala Urbana
L Bragança, R Mateus, C Rocha, JM Sousa, L Duarte, F Moura, ...
Portuguese real estate taxation, land use and noise
C Rocha, A Carvalho
INTER NOISE 2008, 2008
Social acoustic survey and noise mitigation solutions on a Portuguese urban highway
C Rocha, A Carvalho
Proceedings of the 2005 Inter-noise, 2005
The interplay between climate change and ageing: A systematic review of health indicators
T Figueiredo, L Midão, P Rocha, S Cruz, G Lameira, P Conceição, ...
PLoS one 19 (4), e0297116, 2024
The true cost of road traffic noise in Portugal
C Rocha, A Carvalho
Inter Noise 2009, 2009
Ordenamento do território, ruído e impostos sobre a propriedade
C Rocha, A Carvalho
ACÚSTICA 2008, 2008
Environmental impact assessment methodologies regarding traffic noise in Portugal
APO Carvalho, CA Rocha
Noise and Planning 96, 1996
Metodologia de avaliação de impacte ambiental, na área sectorial do ruído, devido à implantação de novas vias de tráfego
CAAC da Rocha
PQDT-Global, 1996
A study of the perception of urban noise in city of Porto, Portugal
C Rocha, T Teixeira
INTER-NOISE and NOISE-CON Congress and Conference Proceedings 255 (1), 6054-6065, 2017
Chapter 1 Electric and hybrid electric vehicles – the relevance of customer expectations and preferences
P Cocron, ÁG del Castillo López
NVH Analysis Techniques for Design and Optimization of Hybrid and Electric …, 2016
O custo do ruído no planeamento das infra-estruturas de transporte rodoviário/Noise Cost Evaluation on Road Planning
C Rocha
Traffic noise influence on road network planning in Portugal
C Rocha, A Carvalho
Proceedings of the 11th World Conference on Transport Research society, 2007
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Articles 1–20