Nicolas Stouls
Nicolas Stouls
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GeneSyst: A Tool to Reason About Behavioral Aspects of B Event Specifications. Application to Security Properties
D Bert, ML Potet, N Stouls
International Conference of B and Z Users, 299-318, 2005
Security policy enforcement through refinement process
N Stouls, ML Potet
International Conference of B Users, 216-231, 2007
Resilient IoT-based Monitoring System for Crude Oil Pipelines
S Ahmed, F Le Mouël, N Stouls
Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Internet of Things …, 2020
Golo, a dynamic, light and efficient language for post-invokedynamic JVM
J Ponge, F Le Mouël, N Stouls
Proceedings of the 2013 International Conference on Principles and Practices …, 2013
Towards a decoupled context-oriented programming language for the internet of things
B Maingret, F Le Mouël, J Ponge, N Stouls, J Cao, Y Loiseau
Proceedings of the 7th ACM International Workshop on Context-Oriented …, 2015
Systèmes de transitions symboliques et hiérarchiques pour la conception et la validation de modèles B raffinés
N Stouls
Institut National Polytechnique de Grenoble-INPG, 2007
HyDiLLEch: A WSN-based distributed leak detection and localisation in crude oil pipelines
S Ahmed, F Le Mouël, N Stouls, G Lipeme Kouyi
Advanced Information Networking and Applications: Proceedings of the 35th …, 2021
When a formal model rhymes with a graphical notation
A Idani, N Stouls
International Conference on Software Engineering and Formal Methods, 54-68, 2014
Spontaneous proximity clouds: Making mobile devices to collaborate for resource and data sharing
R Golchay, F Le Mouël, J Ponge, N Stouls
Collaborate Computing: Networking, Applications and Worksharing: 12th …, 2017
B model slicing and predicate abstraction to generate tests
J Julliand, N Stouls, PC Bué, PA Masson
Software Quality Journal 21 (1), 127-158, 2013
Spécification et substitution de services osgi
HM Tchinda, N Stouls, J Ponge
INRIA, 2011
Vérification de propriétés LTL sur des programmes C par génération d’annotations
J Groslambert, N Stouls
AFADL’09, 2009
Explicitation du contrôle de développement B événementiel
ML Potet, N Stouls
Approches Formelles dans l'Assistance au Développement de Logiciels (AFADL …, 2004
Development and Analysis of a Distributed Leak Detection and Localisation System for Crude Oil Pipelines
S Ahmed, F Le Mouël, N Stouls, G Lipeme Kouyi
Sensors 23 (9), 4298, 2023
Vérification de propriétés LTL sur des programmes C par génération d'annotations
N Stouls, J Groslambert
Adaptabilité et validation de la traduction de B vers C-Points de vue du projet BOM
F Badeau, D Bert, S Boulmé, C Métayer, ML Potet, N Stouls, L Voisin
Revue des Sciences et Technologies de l'Information-Série TSI: Technique et …, 2004
How to build socio-organizational information from remote IP addresses to enrich security analysis?
C Moriot, F Lesueur, N Stouls, F Valois
2022 IEEE 47th Conference on Local Computer Networks (LCN), 287-290, 2022
Automated application offloading through ant-inspired decision-making
R Golchay, F Le Mouëlt, J Ponge, N Stouls
2016 13th International Conference on New Technologies for Distributed …, 2016
Aoraï Plugin Tutorial
N Stouls, V Prevosto
Rapport technique, Frama-C, 57, 2013
A Monitoring Approach for Dynamic Service-Oriented Architecture Systems
Y Dan, N Stouls, S Frénot, C Colombo
The Fourth International Conferences on Advanced Service Computing, 2012
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