Hélène Coullon
Hélène Coullon
IMT Atlantique, Inria, LS2N
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FullSWOF Paral: Comparison of two parallelization strategies (MPI and SKELGIS) on a software designed for hydrology applications
S Cordier, H Coullon, O Delestre, C Laguerre, MH Le, D Pierre, G Sadaka
ESAIM: Proceedings 43, 59-79, 2013
Toward safe and efficient reconfiguration with concerto
M Chardet, H Coullon, S Robillard
Science of Computer Programming 203, 102582, 2021
Madeus: A formal deployment model
M Chardet, H Coullon, D Pertin, C Pérez
2018 international conference on high performance computing & simulation …, 2018
Component-based distributed software reconfiguration: a verification-oriented survey
H Coullon, L Henrio, F Loulergue, S Robillard
ACM Computing Surveys 56 (1), 1-37, 2023
Towards transparent combination of model management execution strategies for low-code development platforms
J Philippe, H Coullon, M Tisi, G Sunyé
Proceedings of the 23rd ACM/IEEE International Conference on Model Driven …, 2020
Reconsidering the relationship between cloud computing and cloud manufacturing
H Coullon, J Noyé
Service Orientation in Holonic and Multi-Agent Manufacturing: Proceedings of …, 2018
Predictable efficiency for reconfiguration of service-oriented systems with concerto
M Chardet, H Coullon, C Pérez
2020 20th IEEE/ACM International Symposium on Cluster, Cloud and Internet …, 2020
The SIPSim implicit parallelism model and the SkelGIS library
H Coullon, S Limet
Concurrency and computation: practice and experience 28 (7), 2120-2144, 2016
Integrated model-checking for the design of safe and efficient distributed software commissioning
H Coullon, C Jard, D Lime
Integrated Formal Methods: 15th International Conference, IFM 2019, Bergen …, 2019
Production deployment tools for IaaSes: an overall model and survey
H Coullon, C Perez, D Pertin
2017 IEEE 5th International Conference on Future Internet of Things and …, 2017
SMT-Based Planning Synthesis for Distributed System Reconfigurations.
S Robillard, H Coullon
FASE, 268-287, 2022
Combining both a component model and a task-based model for hpc applications: a feasibility study on gysela
O Aumage, J Bigot, H Coullon, C Pérez, J Richard
2017 17th IEEE/ACM International Symposium on Cluster, Cloud and Grid …, 2017
Extensibility and composability of a multi-stencil domain specific framework
H Coullon, J Bigot, C Pérez
International Journal of Parallel Programming 47 (5), 1046-1085, 2019
SeMaFoR-self-management of fog resources with collaborative decentralized controllers
A Alidra, H Bruneliere, H Coullon, T Ledoux, C Prud’Homme, J Lejeune, ...
2023 IEEE/ACM 18th Symposium on Software Engineering for Adaptive and Self …, 2023
Online multi-user workflow scheduling algorithm for fairness and energy optimization
E Cadorel, H Coullon, JM Menaud
2020 20th IEEE/ACM International Symposium on Cluster, Cloud and Internet …, 2020
A workflow scheduling deadline-based heuristic for energy optimization in Cloud
E Cadorel, H Coullon, JM Menaud
2019 International Conference on Internet of Things (iThings) and IEEE Green …, 2019
Virtual machine placement for hybrid cloud using constraint programming
C Helene, G Le Louët, JM Menaud
2017 IEEE 23rd International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Systems …, 2017
Blood flow arterial network simulation with the implicit parallelism library skelgis
H Coullon, JM Fullana, PY Lagrée, S Limet, X Wang
Procedia Computer Science 29, 102-112, 2014
Executing certified model transformations on Apache Spark
J Philippe, M Tisi, H Coullon, G Sunyé
Proceedings of the 14th ACM SIGPLAN International Conference on Software …, 2021
Fast Choreography of Cross-DevOps Reconfiguration with Ballet: A Multi-Site OpenStack Case Study
J Philippe, A Omond, H Coullon, C Prud'Homme, I Raïs
SANER 2024-IEEE International Conference on Software Analysis, Evolution and …, 2024
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