Christian Salles
Christian Salles
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Rainfall erosivity and variability in the Northern Ethiopian Highlands
J Nyssen, H Vandenreyken, J Poesen, J Moeyersons, J Deckers, M Haile, ...
Journal of Hydrology 311 (1-4), 172-187, 2005
Kinetic energy of rain and its functional relationship with intensity
C Salles, J Poesen, D Sempere-Torres
Journal of Hydrology 257 (1-4), 256-270, 2002
Long‐term (105 years) variability in rain erosivity as derived from 10‐min rainfall depth data for Ukkel (Brussels, Belgium): Implications for assessing soil erosion rates
G Verstraeten, J Poesen, G Demarée, C Salles
Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres 111 (D22), 2006
Rain properties controlling soil splash detachment
C Salles, J Poesen
Hydrological processes 14 (2), 271-282, 2000
Statistical and physical analysis of soil detachment by raindrop impact: Rain erosivity indices and threshold energy
C Salles, J Poesen, G Govers
Water resources research 36 (9), 2721-2729, 2000
Quantification of soil detachment by raindrop impact: performance of classical formulae of kinetic energy in Mediterranean storms
DS Torres, D Creutin, C Salles, G Delrieu
IAHS Publ, 115-124, 1992
Performance of an optical spectro pluviometer in measuring basic rain erosivity characteristics
C Salles, J Poesen
Journal of Hydrology 218 (3-4), 142-156, 1999
Measurement of Simulated Drop Size Distribution with an Optical Spectro Pluviometer: Sample Size Considerations
C Salles, J Poesen, L Borselli
Earth Surface Processes and Landforms 24 (6), 545-556, 1999
Dynamics of microbial planktonic food web components during a river flash flood in a Mediterranean coastal lagoon
D Pecqueur, F Vidussi, E Fouilland, E Le Floc’h, S Mas, C Roques, ...
Hydrobiologia 673 (1), 13-27, 2011
The optical spectropluviometer revisited
C Salles, JD Creutin, D Sempere-Torres
Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology 15 (5), 1215-1222, 1998
Estimating nutrient and sediment flood loads in a small Mediterranean river
C Salles, MG Tournoud, Y Chu
Hydrological Processes: An International Journal 22 (2), 242-253, 2008
Faecal bacterial loads during flood events in Northwestern Mediterranean coastal rivers
Y Chu, C Salles, MG Tournoud, P Got, M Troussellier, C Rodier, A Caro
Journal of Hydrology 405 (3-4), 501-511, 2011
Origins and quantification of nitrogen inputs into a coastal lagoon: Application to the Thau lagoon (France)
MG Tournoud, S Payraudeau, F Cernesson, C Salles
Ecological modelling 193 (1-2), 19-33, 2006
Instrumental uncertainties in Z-R relationships and raindrop fall velocities
C Salles, JD Creutin
Journal of Applied Meteorology 42 (2), 279-290, 2003
Impact of a river flash flood on microbial carbon and nitrogen production in a Mediterranean Lagoon (Thau Lagoon, France)
E Fouilland, A Trottet, C Bancon-Montigny, M Bouvy, E Le Floc’h, ...
Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, 2012
Spatial and temporal trends in water quality in a Mediterranean temporary river impacted by sewage effluents
A David, MG Tournoud, JL Perrin, D Rosain, C Rodier, C Salles, ...
Environmental Monitoring and Assessment 185 (3), 2517-2534, 2013
Nutrient load modelling during floods in intermittent rivers: An operational approach
Y Chu, C Salles, F Cernesson, JL Perrin, MG Tournoud
Environmental Modelling & Software 23 (6), 768-781, 2008
Spatial and temporal dynamics of bacterial contamination in South France coastal rivers: focus on in‐stream processes during low flows and floods
Y Chu, MG Tournoud, C Salles, P Got, JL Perrin, C Rodier, A Caro, ...
Hydrological Processes 28 (8), 3300-3313, 2014
Comparison of index systems for rating water quality in intermittent rivers
JL Perrin, C Salles, C Bancon-Montigny, N Raïs, N Chahinian, L Dowse, ...
Environmental Monitoring and Assessment 190 (2), 70, 2018
Temporal and spatial variability of organotins in an intermittent Mediterranean river
N Chahinian, C Bancon-Montigny, V Brunel, G Aubert, C Salles, ...
Journal of Environmental Management 128, 173-181, 2013
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