Lyes Khoukhi
Lyes Khoukhi
Full professor, ENSICAEN, Normandie University
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IoT technologies<? show [AQ ID= Q1]?> for smart cities
B Hammi, R Khatoun, S Zeadally, A Fayad, L Khoukhi
IET networks 7 (1), 1-13, 2018
Industrial IoT data scheduling based on hierarchical fog computing: A key for enabling smart factory
DA Chekired, L Khoukhi, HT Mouftah
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics 14 (10), 4590-4602, 2018
Sensor deployment optimization methods to achieve both coverage and connectivity in wireless sensor networks
M Rebai, H Snoussi, F Hnaien, L Khoukhi
Computers & Operations Research 59, 11-21, 2015
A mobility-based scheme for dynamic clustering in vehicular ad-hoc networks (VANETs)
M Ren, L Khoukhi, H Labiod, J Zhang, V Veque
Vehicular Communications 9, 233-241, 2017
Cochain-SC: An intra-and inter-domain DDoS mitigation scheme based on blockchain using SDN and smart contract
Z Abou El Houda, AS Hafid, L Khoukhi
IEEE Access 7, 98893-98907, 2019
Decentralized cloud-SDN architecture in smart grid: A dynamic pricing model
DA Chekired, L Khoukhi, HT Mouftah
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics 14 (3), 1220-1231, 2017
5G-slicing-enabled scalable SDN core network: Toward an ultra-low latency of autonomous driving service
DA Chekired, MA Togou, L Khoukhi, A Ksentini
IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications 37 (8), 1769-1782, 2019
“why should i trust your ids?”: An explainable deep learning framework for intrusion detection systems in internet of things networks
Z Abou El Houda, B Brik, L Khoukhi
IEEE Open Journal of the Communications Society 3, 1164-1176, 2022
SCRP: Stable CDS-based routing protocol for urban vehicular ad hoc networks
MA Togou, A Hafid, L Khoukhi
IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems 17 (5), 1298-1307, 2016
Smart grid solution for charging and discharging services based on cloud computing scheduling
DA Chekired, L Khoukhi
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics 13 (6), 3312-3321, 2017
An IoT blockchain architecture using oracles and smart contracts: The use-case of a food supply chain
H Moudoud, S Cherkaoui, L Khoukhi
2019 IEEE 30th Annual International Symposium on Personal, Indoor and Mobile …, 2019
A unified framework of clustering approach in vehicular ad hoc networks
M Ren, J Zhang, L Khoukhi, H Labiod, V Vèque
IEEE Transactions on intelligent transportation systems 19 (5), 1401-1414, 2017
Queuing model for EVs charging at public supply stations
D Said, S Cherkaoui, L Khoukhi
2013 9th International Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing …, 2013
Co-IoT: A collaborative DDoS mitigation scheme in IoT environment based on blockchain using SDN
Z Abou El Houda, A Hafid, L Khoukhi
2019 IEEE Global Communications Conference (GLOBECOM), 1-6, 2019
Prediction and detection of FDIA and DDoS attacks in 5G enabled IoT
H Moudoud, L Khoukhi, S Cherkaoui
IEEE Network 35 (2), 194-201, 2020
Bringing intelligence to software defined networks: Mitigating DDoS attacks
Z Abou El Houda, L Khoukhi, AS Hafid
IEEE Transactions on Network and Service Management 17 (4), 2523-2535, 2020
When federated learning meets game theory: A cooperative framework to secure iiot applications on edge computing
Z Abou El Houda, B Brik, A Ksentini, L Khoukhi, M Guizani
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics 18 (11), 7988-7997, 2022
Mitfed: A privacy preserving collaborative network attack mitigation framework based on federated learning using sdn and blockchain
Z Abou El Houda, AS Hafid, L Khoukhi
IEEE Transactions on Network Science and Engineering 10 (4), 1985-2001, 2023
A review of clustering algorithms in VANETs
M Ren, J Zhang, L Khoukhi, H Labiod, V Vèque
Annals of Telecommunications 76 (9), 581-603, 2021
When collaborative federated learning meets blockchain to preserve privacy in healthcare
Z Abou El Houda, AS Hafid, L Khoukhi, B Brik
IEEE Transactions on Network Science and Engineering 10 (5), 2455-2465, 2022
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