Minh-Ngoc Vu
Minh-Ngoc Vu
French National Radioactive Waste Management Agency (Andra R&D)
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Pgm-explainer: Probabilistic graphical model explanations for graph neural networks
M Vu, MT Thai
Advances in neural information processing systems 33, 12225-12235, 2020
Predicting the compressive strength of concrete from its compositions and age using the extreme gradient boosting method
T Nguyen-Sy, J Wakim, QD To, MN Vu, TD Nguyen, TT Nguyen
Construction and Building Materials 260, 119757, 2020
Effects of the maximum soil aggregates size and cyclic wetting–drying on the stiffness of a lime-treated clayey soil
AM Tang, MN Vu, YJ Cui
Géotechnique 61 (5), 421-429, 2011
Main outcomes from in situ thermo-hydro-mechanical experiments programme to demonstrate feasibility of radioactive high-level waste disposal in the Callovo-Oxfordian claystone
G Armand, F Bumbieler, N Conil, R de La Vaissière, JM Bosgiraud, ...
Journal of Rock Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering 9 (3), 415-427, 2017
Modeling thermal conductivity of hemp insulation material: A multi-scale homogenization approach
ST Nguyen, AD Tran-Le, MN Vu, QD To, O Douzane, T Langlet
Building and Environment 107, 127-134, 2016
Time-dependent reliability analysis of deep tunnel in the viscoelastic burger rock with sequential installation of liners
DP Do, NT Tran, VT Mai, D Hoxha, MN Vu
Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering 53, 1259-1285, 2020
Heterogeneous gaussian mechanism: Preserving differential privacy in deep learning with provable robustness
NH Phan, M Vu, Y Liu, R Jin, D Dou, X Wu, MT Thai
arXiv preprint arXiv:1906.01444, 2019
A reliable numerical analysis for large-scale modelling of a high-level radioactive waste repository in the Callovo-Oxfordian claystone
C Plúa, MN Vu, G Armand, J Rutqvist, J Birkholzer, H Xu, R Guo, ...
International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences 140, 104574, 2021
In situ investigation of the THM behavior of the Callovo-Oxfordian claystone
N Conil, M Vitel, C Plua, MN Vu, D Seyedi, G Armand
Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering 53, 2747-2769, 2020
Numerical study of thermo-hydro-mechanical responses of in situ heating test with phase-field model
Z Yu, JF Shao, MN Vu, G Armand
International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences 138, 104542, 2021
Fluid flow and effective permeability of an infinite matrix containing disc-shaped cracks
A Pouya, MN Vu
Advances in Water Resources 42, 37-46, 2012
Feasibility of constructing a full-scale radioactive high-level waste disposal cell and characterization of its thermo-hydro-mechanical behavior
F Bumbieler, C Plúa, S Tourchi, MN Vu, J Vaunat, A Gens, G Armand
International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences 137, 104555, 2021
Numerical simulation of underground excavations in an indurated clay using non-local regularisation. Part 1: formulation and base case
MA Mánica, A Gens, J Vaunat, G Armand, MN Vu
Géotechnique 72 (12), 1092-1112, 2022
A full-scale in situ heating test in Callovo-Oxfordian claystone: observations, analysis and interpretation
S Tourchi, J Vaunat, A Gens, F Bumbieler, MN Vu, G Armand
Computers and Geotechnics 133, 104045, 2021
Closed-form solution and reliability analysis of deep tunnel supported by a concrete liner and a covered compressible layer within the viscoelastic burger rock
DP Do, MN Vu, NT Tran, G Armand
Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering 54, 2311-2334, 2021
Relation between water permeability and chloride diffusivity of concrete under compressive stress: Experimental investigation and mesoscale lattice modelling
TT Tran, DT Pham, MN Vu, VQ Truong, XB Ho, NL Tran, T Nguyen-Sy, ...
Construction and Building Materials 267, 121164, 2021
Theoretical and numerical study of the steady‐state flow through finite fractured porous media
MN Vu, A Pouya, DM Seyedi
International Journal for Numerical and Analytical Methods in Geomechanics …, 2014
Numerical modeling of deformation and damage around underground excavation by phase-field method with hydromechanical coupling
Z Yu, J Shao, G Duveau, MN Vu, G Armand
Computers and Geotechnics 138, 104369, 2021
Modelling of steady‐state fluid flow in 3D fractured isotropic porous media: application to effective permeability calculation
MN Vu, A Pouya, DM Seyedi
International Journal for numerical and analytical methods in geomechanics …, 2013
Numerical modelling of steady-state flow in 2D cracked anisotropic porous media by singular integral equations method
A Pouya, MN Vu
Transport in porous media 93, 475-493, 2012
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Articles 1–20