Ludovic Macaire
Ludovic Macaire
Professeur CRIStAL Université de Lille
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Color image segmentation by pixel classification in an adapted hybrid color space. Application to soccer image analysis
N Vandenbroucke, L Macaire, JG Postaire
Computer Vision and Image Understanding 90 (2), 190-216, 2003
Color spaces and image segmentation
L Busin, N Vandenbroucke, L Macaire
Advances in imaging and electron physics 151 (1), 1, 2008
Comparison of color demosaicing methods
O Losson, L Macaire, Y Yang
Advances in Imaging and electron Physics 162, 173-265, 2010
Haralick feature extraction from LBP images for color texture classification
A Porebski, N Vandenbroucke, L Macaire
2008 First Workshops on Image Processing Theory, Tools and Applications, 1-8, 2008
Multispectral demosaicing using pseudo-panchromatic image
S Mihoubi, O Losson, B Mathon, L Macaire
IEEE Transactions on Computational Imaging 3 (4), 982-995, 2017
Constraint scores for semi-supervised feature selection: A comparative study
M Kalakech, P Biela, L Macaire, D Hamad
Pattern Recognition Letters 32 (5), 656-665, 2011
Color pixels classification in an hybrid color space
N Vandenbroucke, L Macaire, JG Postaire
Proceedings 1998 International Conference on Image Processing. ICIP98 (Cat …, 1998
Color image segmentation by analysis of subset connectedness and color homogeneity properties
L Macaire, N Vandenbroucke, JG Postaire
Computer Vision and Image Understanding 102 (1), 105-116, 2006
Multispectral demosaicing using intensity-based spectral correlation
S Mihoubi, O Losson, B Mathon, L Macaire
2015 International Conference on Image Processing Theory, Tools and …, 2015
Filtering and segmentation: The specifity of color images
P Lambert
International Conference on Color in Graphics and Image Processing-CGIP2000, 2000
Color local binary patterns: compact descriptors for texture classification
A Ledoux, O Losson, L Macaire
Journal of Electronic Imaging 25 (6), 061404-061404, 2016
A new benchmark image test suite for evaluating colour texture classification schemes
A Porebski, N Vandenbroucke, L Macaire, D Hamad
Multimedia Tools and Applications 70, 543-556, 2014
Iterative feature selection for color texture classification
A Porebski, N Vandenbroucke, L Macaire
2007 IEEE International Conference on Image Processing 3, III-509-III-512, 2007
Color texture analysis using CFA chromatic co-occurrence matrices
O Losson, A Porebski, N Vandenbroucke, L Macaire
Computer Vision and Image Understanding 117 (7), 747-763, 2013
Color image segmentation by supervised pixel classification in a color texture feature space. Application to soccer image segmentation
N Vandenbroucke, L Macaire, JG Postaire
Proceedings 15th International Conference on Pattern Recognition. ICPR-2000 …, 2000
Color space selection for unsupervised color image segmentation by histogram multi-thresholding
L Busin, N Vandehbroucke, L Macaire, JG Postaire
2004 International Conference on Image Processing, 2004. ICIP'04. 1, 203-206, 2004
Supervised texture classification: color space or texture feature selection?
A Porebski, N Vandenbroucke, L Macaire
Pattern Analysis and Applications 16, 1-18, 2013
Contribution of a color classification to soccer players tracking with snakes
N Vandenbroucke, L Macaire, C Vieren, JG Postaire
1997 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics …, 1997
Combining color and spatial information for object recognition across illumination changes
D Muselet, L Macaire
Pattern Recognition Letters 28 (10), 1176-1185, 2007
Determination of compatibility coefficients for color edge detection by relaxation
L Macaire, V Ultre, JG Postaire
Proceedings of 3rd IEEE International Conference on Image Processing 3, 1045 …, 1996
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