Paul Schopf
Paul Schopf
Professor of Oceanography, George Mason University
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A delayed action oscillator for ENSO
MJ Suarez, PS Schopf
Journal of Atmospheric Sciences 45 (21), 3283-3287, 1988
Vacillations in a coupled ocean–atmosphere model
PS Schopf, MJ Suarez
Journal of Atmospheric Sciences 45 (3), 549-566, 1988
The seasonal cycle over the tropical Pacific in coupled ocean–atmosphere general circulation models
CR Mechoso, AW Robertson, N Barth, MK Davey, P Delecluse, PR Gent, ...
Monthly Weather Review 123 (9), 2825-2838, 1995
Observations of coupling between surface wind stress and sea surface temperature in the eastern tropical Pacific
DB Chelton, SK Esbensen, MG Schlax, N Thum, MH Freilich, FJ Wentz, ...
Journal of Climate 14 (7), 1479-1498, 2001
Decadal variability in ENSO predictability and prediction
BP Kirtman, PS Schopf
Journal of Climate 11 (11), 2804-2822, 1998
Climate fluctuations of tropical coupled systems—the role of ocean dynamics
P Chang, T Yamagata, P Schopf, SK Behera, J Carton, WS Kessler, ...
Journal of Climate 19 (20), 5122-5174, 2006
Tropical air-sea interaction in general circulation models
JD Neelin, M Latif, MAF Allaart, MA Cane, U Cubasch, WL Gates, PR Gent, ...
Climate Dynamics 7, 73-104, 1992
Phytoplankton and iron: validation of a global three-dimensional ocean biogeochemical model
WW Gregg, P Ginoux, PS Schopf, NW Casey
Deep Sea Research Part II: Topical Studies in Oceanography 50 (22-26), 3143-3169, 2003
On equatorial dynamics, mixed layer physics and sea surface temperature
PS Schopf, MA Cane
Journal of physical oceanography 13 (6), 917-935, 1983
Kelvin-wave-induced anomalous advection and the onset of surface warming in El Niņo events
DE Harrison, PS Schopf
Monthly weather review 112 (5), 923-933, 1984
A reduced-gravity isopycnal ocean model: Hindcasts of El Niņo
PS Schopf, A Loughe
Monthly Weather Review 123 (9), 2839-2863, 1995
Beta-dispersion of low-frequency Rossby waves
PS Schopf, DLT Anderson, R Smith
Dynamics of Atmospheres and Oceans 5 (3), 187-214, 1981
The ENSO effect on the tropical Atlantic variability: A regionally coupled model study
B Huang, PS Schopf, Z Pan
Geophysical Research Letters 29 (21), 35-1-35-4, 2002
Intrinsic ocean–atmosphere variability of the tropical Atlantic Ocean
B Huang, PS Schopf, J Shukla
Journal of Climate 17 (11), 2058-2077, 2004
A simple mechanism for ENSO residuals and asymmetry
PS Schopf, RJ Burgman
Journal of climate 19 (13), 3167-3179, 2006
Ocean wave dynamics and the time scale of ENSO
PS Schopf, MJ Suarez
Journal of physical oceanography 20 (5), 629-645, 1990
On equatorial waves and El Nino. II: effects of air-sea thermal coupling
PS Schopf
Journal of physical oceanography 13 (10), 1878-1893, 1983
Sensitivity of the tropical Pacific Ocean to precipitation-induced freshwater flux
S Yang, KM Lau, PS Schopf
Climate dynamics 15, 737-750, 1999
Vertical eddy mixing in the tropical upper ocean: Its influence on zonal currents
Z Yu, PS Schopf
Journal of physical oceanography 27 (7), 1447-1458, 1997
On equatorial waves and El Niņo. I. Influence of initial states on wave-induced currents and warming
PS Schopf, DE Harrison
Journal of physical oceanography 13 (6), 936-948, 1983
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