Louis Hennet
Louis Hennet
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Detection of first-order liquid/liquid phase transitions in yttrium oxide-aluminum oxide melts
GN Greaves, MC Wilding, S Fearn, D Langstaff, F Kargl, S Cox, QV Van, ...
Science 322 (5901), 566-570, 2008
Liquid alumina: detailed atomic coordination determined from neutron diffraction data using empirical potential structure refinement
C Landron, L Hennet, TE Jenkins, GN Greaves, JP Coutures, AK Soper
Physical review letters 86 (21), 4839, 2001
Joint diffraction and modeling approach to the structure of liquid alumina
LB Skinner, AC Barnes, PS Salmon, L Hennet, HE Fischer, CJ Benmore, ...
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 87 (2), 024201, 2013
Modulated phases in NaNbO3: Raman scattering, synchrotron x-ray diffraction, and dielectric investigations
YI Yuzyuk, P Simon, E Gagarina, L Hennet, D Thiaudiere, VI Torgashev, ...
Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 17 (33), 4977, 2005
Size dependence of the lattice parameters of carbon supported platinum nanoparticles: X-ray diffraction analysis and theoretical considerations
IN Leontyev, AB Kuriganova, NG Leontyev, L Hennet, A Rakhmatullin, ...
Rsc Advances 4 (68), 35959-35965, 2014
Local structure in liquid binary Al–Cu and Al–Ni alloys
J Brillo, A Bytchkov, I Egry, L Hennet, G Mathiak, I Pozdnyakova, DL Price, ...
Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids 352 (38-39), 4008-4012, 2006
Interplay between non-bridging oxygen, triclusters, and fivefold Al coordination in low silica content calcium aluminosilicate melts
N Jakse, M Bouhadja, J Kozaily, JWE Drewitt, L Hennet, DR Neuville, ...
Applied Physics Letters 101 (20), 2012
Microscopic dynamics of liquid aluminum oxide
H Sinn, B Glorieux, L Hennet, A Alatas, M Hu, EE Alp, FJ Bermejo, ...
Science 299 (5615), 2047-2049, 2003
In situ observation of nanolite growth in volcanic melt: A driving force for explosive eruptions
D Di Genova, RA Brooker, HM Mader, JWE Drewitt, A Longo, J Deubener, ...
Science advances 6 (39), eabb0413, 2020
Aerodynamic levitation and laser heating: Applications at synchrotron and neutron sources
L Hennet, V Cristiglio, J Kozaily, I Pozdnyakova, HE Fischer, A Bytchkov, ...
The European Physical Journal Special Topics 196, 151-165, 2011
Structural changes on supercooling liquid silicon
N Jakse, L Hennet, DL Price, S Krishnan, T Key, E Artacho, B Glorieux, ...
Applied physics letters 83 (23), 4734-4736, 2003
Fate of MgSiO3 melts at core–mantle boundary conditions
S Petitgirard, WJ Malfait, R Sinmyo, I Kupenko, L Hennet, D Harries, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 112 (46), 14186-14190, 2015
Levitation apparatus for neutron diffraction investigations on high temperature liquids
L Hennet, I Pozdnyakova, A Bytchkov, V Cristiglio, P Palleau, HE Fischer, ...
Review of scientific instruments 77 (5), 2006
In situ characterization of microstructural instabilities: Recovery, recrystallization and abnormal growth in nanoreinforced steel powder
N Sallez, X Boulnat, A Borbély, JL Béchade, D Fabrègue, M Perez, ...
Acta Materialia 87, 377-389, 2015
Synchrotron x-ray diffraction and Raman scattering investigations of solid solutions: Evidence of the rhombohedral phase
YI Yuzyuk, E Gagarina, P Simon, LA Reznitchenko, L Hennet, ...
Physical Review B 69 (14), 144105, 2004
In-plane lattice spacing oscillatory behaviour during the two-dimensional hetero-and homoepitaxy of metals
P Turban, L Hennet, S Andrieu
Surface science 446 (3), 241-253, 2000
Magnetic and structural properties of iron nitride thin films obtained by argon‐nitrogen reactive radio‐frequency sputtering
JF Bobo, H Chatbi, M Vergnat, L Hennet, O Lenoble, P Bauer, M Piecuch
Journal of applied physics 77 (10), 5309-5313, 1995
Synthesis and Characterization of Double Solid Solution (Zr,Ti)2(Al,Sn)C MAX Phase Ceramics
B Tunca, T Lapauw, R Delville, DR Neuville, L Hennet, D Thiaudière, ...
Inorganic Chemistry 58 (10), 6669-6683, 2019
Neutron diffraction of calcium aluminosilicate glasses and melts
L Hennet, JWE Drewitt, DR Neuville, V Cristiglio, J Kozaily, S Brassamin, ...
Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids 451, 89-93, 2016
Development of chemical and topological structure in aluminosilicate liquids and glasses at high pressure
JWE Drewitt, S Jahn, C Sanloup, C de Grouchy, G Garbarino, L Hennet
Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 27 (10), 105103, 2015
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