Lex van Teeffelen
Lex van Teeffelen
Professor of Entrepreneurial Finance, HU Business School, Utrecht, The Netherlands
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Firm resource characteristics and human capital as predictors of exit choice: An exploratory study of SMEs
L van Teeffelen, LM Uhlaner
Entrepreneurship Research Journal 3 (1), 84-108, 2013
Avenues to improve success in SME business transfers: reflections on theories, research and policies
L van Teeffelen
Utrecht: Hogeschool Utrecht, 2012
Exploring success and failure in small firm business transfers
L van Teeffelen
Nyenrode Business Universiteit, 2010
The importance of specific human capital, planning and familiarity in Dutch small firm ownership transfers: a seller’s perspective
L van Teeffelen, L Uhlaner, M Driessen
International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Small Business 14 (1), 127-148, 2011
Strategic renewal after ownership transfers in SMEs: Do successors’ actions pay off
L van Teeffelen, L Uhlaner
International Journal of Entrepreneurial Venturing 2 (3/4), 347-365, 2010
Investing in workplace innovation pays off for SMEs: a regional innovation initiative from The Netherlands
P Oeij, E de Vroome, A Bolland, R Gründemann, L van Teeffelen
The International Journal of Social Quality 4 (2), 86-106, 2014
Business succession: Economic disaster or a blessing in disguise
L Van Teeffelen, J Meijaard, A Geerts
Proceedings of the ICSB World Conference. Washington, DC, 2005
Exploring success and failure in small business ownership transfers
L Van Teeffelen
Breukelen: Nyenrode Business Universiteit, PhD thesis, 2010
Altering student preferences for takeover entrepreneurship: action research based on threshold theory
L van Teeffelen, E Weesie, L Uhlaner
International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Small Business 23 (4), 568-586, 2014
Involvement of accountants and bankers in SME-transfers: Perspectives and witnessed difficulties
L van Teeffelen
RENT 2006 Conference, 2006
Naar MKB-advies over gestapeld financieren
K Rauwerda, L van Teeffelen, FJ de Graaf
Management Control and Accounting 20 (6), 24-30, 2016
Drivers for liquidation and transfer in small firms: Theory of Planned Behavior and firm conditions
L van Teeffelen, H Leroy
ICSB World Conference Proceedings, 1, 2009
Dutch small firm exits
L van Teeffelen
HU, Utrecht, 2008
Do planning and preparation predict success in SME-transfers?
L van Teeffelen
Proceedings of the 52th ICSB Conference, 2007
Tussen rationele afweging en interactie: ledenbinding en het opzeggen van het vakbondslidmaatschap.
L van Teeffelen, B Klandermans
Tijdschrift voor Arbeidsvraagstukken 5 (4), 4-15, 1989
Quality of SME Business Transfers Matching Platforms: Research Outcomes of 12 European Countries
L van Teeffelen, E Weesie, O Alba, M Depelssemaker, N Pirotte
EU4BT, 2016
Psychological barriers and coping strategies in business transfers explored: towards a conceptual model
E Weesie, L van Teeffelen
Research Handbook of Entrepreneurial Exit, 184-196, 2015
MKB financiering: behoefteonderzoek en analyse
M van der Veen, L van Teeffelen, A Ibrahimovic, M Lentz
KvK/HU, Utrecht, 2015
Expert opinions on SME transfers: Hazards for policymakers and entrepreneur
L Van Teeffelen
L. Koçak, A., Abimbola, T., Özer, A. and Watkons-Mathus (Ed.), Marketing and …, 2009
Gewoonten en tijdsdruk leidend bij keuzes voor mkb-financieringen
K Rauwerde, FJ De Graaf, L Van Teeffelen, J Abid
Maandblad voor Accountancy en Bedrijfseconomie 95 (3/4), 137-150, 2021
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