Geopolitical framework of the Macaronesia region E Menini, F Halim, D Gabriel, JL Suarez de Vivero, H Calado, F Moniz, ... This project was financed in 85 (3), 2018 | 4 | 2018 |
Island geography shaping maritime space in Macaronesia HMGP Calado, MC Varona, JLS de Vivero, FC Moniz, F Halim, ... Europa XXI 36, 89-105, 2019 | 3 | 2019 |
Technical report: Current conditions and compatibility of maritime uses in the western Mediterranean A Khalil, I Pastor Reyes, K Pinarbaşi, F Halim, A Iglesias Campos, ... UNESCO. Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission, 2021 | | 2021 |
Future conditions and scenarios for marine special planning and sustainable blue economy opportunities in the western Mediterranean A Khalil, I Pastor Reyes, K Pinarbaşi, C Cervera-Nuñez, ... UNESCO. Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission, 2021 | | 2021 |
Current conditions and compatibility of maritime uses in the Western Mediterranean: technical report. F Halim, A Iglesias-Campos, CC Núñez, M Colombier, F Marsit UNESCO-IOC, 2021 | | 2021 |
Conditions actuelles et la compatibilité des usages du milieu marin en Méditerranée occidentale: rapport technique F Halim, A Iglesias Campos, C Cervera Núñez, M Colombier, F Marsit, ... UNESCO: United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation, 2021 | | 2021 |
MSPglobal Initiative: lessons learned A Khalil, M Quesada da Silva, C Cervera Núñez, F Halim, ... UNESCO: United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation, 2021 | | 2021 |
Conditions futures et scénarios pour la planification de l’espace marin et les opportunités d'économie bleue durable en Méditerranée occidentale: rapport technique C Cervera Núñez, A Iglesias Campos, F Halim UNESCO: United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation, 2021 | | 2021 |
ISLAND GEOGRAPHY SHAPING MARITIME SPACE IN MACARONESIA HMG Pina Calado, M Caña Varona, JL Suárez de Vivero, ... EUROPA XXI, 36, 89-105., 2019 | | 2019 |
GPS AZORES Project E Menini, DG Firdaous Halim, HC Vivero, F Moniz, MC Varona, E Menini, ... | | 2018 |
Etude d'impact des activités anthropiques sur la qualité des eaux de la lagune de Marchica à Nador H Firdaous | | 2016 |
Future conditions and scenarios for marine spatial planning and sustainable blue economy opportunities in the Western Mediterranean: technical report C Cervera Núñez, A Iglesias Campos, F Halim UNESCO/IOC, 0 | | |