Philippe Larroude
Philippe Larroude
Maître de Conférences, Université Grenoble Alpes
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Comparison of sediment transport formulae for the coastal environment
B Camenen, P Larroudé
Coastal Engineering 48 (2), 111-132, 2003
Direct numerical simulation of instabilities in a two-dimensional near-critical fluid layer heated from below
S Amiroudine, P Bontoux, P Larroudé, B Gilly, B Zappoli
Journal of Fluid Mechanics 442, 119-140, 2001
Statistical analysis of coastal morphological data sets over seasonal to decadal time scales
A Kroon, M Larson, I Möller, H Yokoki, G Rozynski, J Cox, P Larroude
Coastal Engineering 55 (7-8), 581-600, 2008
Larroudé Ph. and Calvete D., 2008, Rhythmic surf zone bars and morphodynamic self-organization
A Falques, N Dodd, R Garnier, F Ribas, LC MacHardy, F Sancho
Coastal Engineering 55, 622-641, 0
Prediction of non-breaking wave induced scour depth at the trunk section of breakwaters using Genetic Programming and Artificial Neural Networks
A Pourzangbar, MA Losada, A Saber, LR Ahari, P Larroudé, M Vaezi, ...
Coastal Engineering 121, 107-118, 2017
Wave scour around piles
J Carreiras, P Larroudé, F Seabra-Santos, M Mory
Coastal Engineering 2000, 1860-1870, 2001
Vulnerability of sandy coasts to climate variability
D Idier, B Castelle, M Poumadère, Y Balouin, RB Bertoldo, F Bouchette, ...
Climate Research 57 (1), 19-44, 2013
An optimally-controlled RANS Actuator force model for efficient computations of tidal turbine arrays
V Clary, T Oudart, P Larroudé, J Sommeria, T Maître
Ocean Engineering 212, 107677, 2020
Symmetry breaking flow transitions and oscillatory flows in a 2D directional solidification model
PH Larroude, J Ouazzani, JID ALEXANDER, P Bontoux
European journal of mechanics. B, Fluids 13 (3), 353-381, 1994
3D numerical simulation of seagrass movement under waves and currents with GPUSPH
AE Paquier, T Oudart, C Le Bouteiller, S Meulé, P Larroudé, ...
International Journal of Sediment Research 36 (6), 711-722, 2021
Modélisation numérique du transport sédimentaire sur une plage sableuse
B Camenen, R Pedreros, H Dupuis, H Howa, P Larroudé
Unpublished PhD thesis. Grenoble, France: Universite Joseph Fourier, 2002
Methodology of seasonal morphological modelisation for nourishment strategies on a Mediterranean beach
P Larroudé
Marine pollution bulletin 57 (1-5), 47-52, 2008
Numerical comparison of sediment transport formulae
B Camenen, P Larroudé
Wind-induced hydrodynamic interactions with aquatic vegetation in a fetch-limited setting: implications for coastal sedimentation and protection
AE Paquier, S Meulé, EJ Anthony, P Larroudé, G Bernard
Estuaries and coasts 42, 688-707, 2019
Un modèle morphologique côtier pour la création de barres rythmiques
B Camenen, P Larroudé
Revue Française de génie civil 7 (9), 1099-1116, 2003
Scour around pile groups
M Mory, P Larroudé, J Carreiras, F Seabra Santos
Proc., Coastal Structures 2, 773-781, 2000
Nearshore oblique bars. Modelling versus observations at the Truc Vert Beach
A Falques, F Ribas, P Larroude, A Montoto
IAHR Symposium on River, Coastal and Estuarine Morphodynamics, 207-216, 1999
Longshore sediment transport measurements on sandy macrotidal beaches compared with sediment transport formulae
A Cartier, P Larroudé, A Héquette
Sediment Transport, InTech Publishing, 37-58, 2013
A decision support system based on Bayesian modelling for pest management: Application to wireworm risk assessment in maize fields
J Roche, M Plantegenest, P Larroudé, JB Thibord, S Poggi
Smart Agricultural Technology 4, 100162, 2023
L’apport de modèles numériques pour l’étude morphodynamique d’un système dune-plage macrotidal sous l’effet des tempêtes: plage de la dune Dewulf, Est de Dunkerque, France
A Maspataud, D Idier, P Larroudé, F Sabatier, MH Ruz, E Charles, ...
Journées Nationales Génie Civil-Génie Côtier Les Sables d’Olonne, 353-360, 2010
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Articles 1–20