Giulia Pecora
Giulia Pecora
Research Fellow, Italian NRC
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Hot and cool inhibitory control in Italian toddlers: Associations with social competence and behavioral problems
A Di Norcia, G Pecora, AS Bombi, E Baumgartner, F Laghi
Journal of Child and Family Studies 24, 909-914, 2015
Waiting by mistake: Symbolic representation of rewards modulates intertemporal choice in capuchin monkeys, preschool children and adult humans
E Addessi, F Bellagamba, A Delfino, F De Petrillo, V Focaroli, ...
Cognition 130 (3), 428-441, 2014
The moderating role of internalising negative emotionality in the relation of self-regulation to social adjustment in Italian preschool-aged children
G Pecora, S Sette, E Baumgartner, F Laghi, TL Spinrad
Cognition and Emotion 30 (8), 1512-1520, 2016
False belief understanding and “cool” inhibitory control in 3-and 4-years-old Italian children
F Bellagamba, E Addessi, V Focaroli, G Pecora, V Maggiorelli, B Pace, ...
Frontiers in Psychology 6, 872, 2015
Infant sleep and development: Concurrent and longitudinal relations during the first 8 months of life
G Pecora, V Focaroli, M Paoletti, L Barca, F Chiarotti, AM Borghi, ...
Infant Behavior and Development 67, 101719, 2022
Abstractness emerges progressively over the second year of life
F Bellagamba, AM Borghi, C Mazzuca, G Pecora, F Ferrara, A Fogel
Scientific reports 12 (1), 20940, 2022
Do displacement activities help preschool children to inhibit a forbidden action?
G Pecora, E Addessi, G Schino, F Bellagamba
Journal of experimental child psychology 126, 80-90, 2014
Executive function
G Pecora, F Zoratto, M Paoletti, F Bellagamba, F Paglieri, E Addessi
Encyclopedia of animal cognition and behavior, 1-5, 2017
Indices of social knowledge in Italian-speaking children: Relations between personal pronouns, verb conjugations and mental state language
E Longobardi, P Spataro, G Pecora, F Bellagamba
First Language 39 (4), 396-411, 2019
Relations between temperament and false belief understanding in the preschool age
G Pecora, E Addessi, M Paoletti, F Bellagamba
Journal of Child and Family Studies 27, 1682-1691, 2018
Online assessment of motor, cognitive, and communicative achievements in 4-month-old infants
C Gasparini, B Caravale, V Focaroli, M Paoletti, G Pecora, F Bellagamba, ...
Children 9 (3), 424, 2022
The effect of symbolic distancing on delay tolerance across the preschool period
G Pecora, F Bellagamba, F Chiarotti, M Paoletti, ML Castano, E Addessi
Journal of Cognition and Development 21 (1), 92-103, 2020
Motivations for Social Withdrawal, Mental Health, and Well-Being in Emerging Adulthood: A Person-Oriented Approach
S Sette, G Pecora, F Laghi, RJ Coplan
Behavioral Sciences 13 (12), 977, 2023
Complementary feeding approach and maternal responsiveness in 8-and 12-month-old Italian infants: A longitudinal study
A Di Prete, D Del Grosso, V Focaroli, M Paoletti, G Pecora, EA Hodges, ...
Appetite 190, 107028, 2023
Quantità e qualità del tempo trascorso da soli e difficoltà internalizzanti in bambini, bambine e preadolescenti: Validazione di nuovi strumenti nel contesto educativo italiano
S Sette, M Brunetti, G Pecora, L Demarco, E Longobardi, F Laghi, ...
Associazione Italiana di Psicologia, 2023
Seminological, Hormonal and Ultrasonographic Features of Male Factor Infertility Due to Genetic Causes: Results from a Large Monocentric Retrospective Study
R Mazzilli, S Petrucci, V Zamponi, B Golisano, G Pecora, C Mancini, ...
Journal of Clinical Medicine 13 (15), 2024
The role of loneliness and positivity on adolescents’ mental health and sleep quality during the COVID-19 pandemic
G Pecora, F Laghi, E Baumgartner, A Di Norcia, S Sette
Current Psychology, 1-14, 2024
Self-feeding and communicative development during the first two years of life: concurrent and longitudinal associations
G Pecora, V Focaroli, M Paoletti, M Ciolli, E Iaboni, N Palladino, ...
ICIS 2024, 2024
Complementary feeding and maternal responsiveness in 8 to 24-month-old infants: a longitudinal study
A Di Prete, GM Caruso, D Del Grosso, E Giacomini, S Picuno, G Trappetti, ...
ICIS 2024, 2024
Examining Links Between Motivations for Social Withdrawal, Time Spent Alone, and Indices of Internalizing Problems in Childhood and Early Adolescence
S Sette, M Brunetti, G Pecora, F Laghi, E Longobardi, RJ Coplan
The Journal of Early Adolescence, 02724316241279003, 2024
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Articles 1–20