Evan A Zamir
Evan A Zamir
Assistant Professor of Mechanical Engineering, Georgia Tech
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How vinculin regulates force transmission
DW Dumbauld, TT Lee, A Singh, J Scrimgeour, CA Gersbach, EA Zamir, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 110 (24), 9788-9793, 2013
The ECM moves during primitive streak formation—computation of ECM versus cellular motion
EA Zamir, BJ Rongish, CD Little
PLoS biology 6 (10), e247, 2008
Mesodermal cell displacements during avian gastrulation are due to both individual cell-autonomous and convective tissue movements
EA Zamir, A Czirók, C Cui, CD Little, BJ Rongish
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 103 (52), 19806-19811, 2006
Mechanical asymmetry in the embryonic chick heart during looping
EA Zamir, V Srinivasan, R Perucchio, LA Taber
Annals of biomedical engineering 31, 1327-1336, 2003
Material properties and residual stress in the stage 12 chick heart during cardiac looping
EA Zamir, LA Taber
J. Biomech. Eng. 126 (6), 823-830, 2004
On the effects of residual stress in microindentation tests of soft tissue structures
EA Zamir, LA Taber
J. Biomech. Eng. 126 (2), 276-283, 2004
A digital image-based method for computational tissue fate mapping during early avian morphogenesis
EA Zamir, A Czirok, BJ Rongish, CD Little
Annals of biomedical engineering 33, 854-865, 2005
In vivo imaging of basement membrane movement: ECM patterning shapes Hydra polyps
R Aufschnaiter, EA Zamir, CD Little, S Özbek, S Münder, CN David, L Li, ...
Journal of cell science 124 (23), 4027-4038, 2011
Evidence for partial epithelial‐to‐mesenchymal transition (pEMT) and recruitment of motile blastoderm edge cells during avian epiboly
MA Futterman, AJ García, EA Zamir
Developmental Dynamics 240 (6), 1502-1511, 2011
Extracellular matrix macroassembly dynamics in early vertebrate embryos
A Czirok, EA Zamir, MB Filla, CD Little, BJ Rongish
Current topics in developmental biology 73, 237-258, 2006
Multicellular sprouting during vasculogenesis
A Czirok, EA Zamir, A Szabo, CD Little
Current topics in developmental biology 81, 269-289, 2008
Dynamic imaging of cell, extracellular matrix, and tissue movements during avian vertebral axis patterning
MB Filla, A Czirók, EA Zamir, CD Little, TJ Cheuvront, BJ Rongish
Birth Defects Research Part C: Embryo Today: Reviews 72 (3), 267-276, 2004
Spatiotemporal mechanical variation reveals critical role for rho kinase during primitive streak morphogenesis
J Henkels, J Oh, W Xu, D Owen, T Sulchek, E Zamir
Annals of biomedical engineering 41, 421-432, 2013
Studying in vivo dynamics of vasculogenesis using time-lapse computational imaging
EA Zamir, PA Rupp, CD Little
New Frontiers in Angiogenesis, 31-44, 2006
Material properties of the embryonic chick heart during cardiac looping morphogenesis
EA Zamir
Washington University in St. Louis, 2003
On a New Microindentation Method for Testing Composite Soft Tissues: The Importance of Residual Stress
EA Zamir, LA Taber
BioEng, Conf, 2003
Determining material properties of the embryonic chick heart during cardiac looping morphogenesis
EA Zamir, LA Taber
Proceedings of the Second Joint 24th Annual Conference and the Annual Fall …, 2002
Mechanical asymmetry in the stage 12 looping chick heart
EA Zamir, M Remond, LA Taber
BIOPHYSICAL JOURNAL 82 (1), 372A-372A, 2002
A method for determining regional material properties of the embryonic looping chick heart
EA Zamir, LA Taber
ASME-PUBLICATIONS-BED 50, 793-794, 2001
A remodeling algorithm for development of transmural cardiac fiber angle distribution
EA Zamir, S Sheth, JM Guccione, KD Costa, LA Taber
ASME-PUBLICATIONS-BED 42, 217-218, 1999
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Articles 1–20