Free energy computations: A mathematical perspective G Stoltz, M Rousset
World Scientific, 2010
654 2010 Computation of free energy profiles with parallel adaptive dynamics T Lelièvre, M Rousset, G Stoltz
The Journal of chemical physics 126 (13), 2007
144 2007 Long-time convergence of an adaptive biasing force method T Lelièvre, M Rousset, G Stoltz
Nonlinearity 21 (6), 1155, 2008
114 2008 Langevin dynamics with constraints and computation of free energy differences T Lelievre, M Rousset, G Stoltz
Mathematics of computation 81 (280), 2071-2125, 2012
87 2012 On the control of an interacting particle estimation of Schrödinger ground states M Rousset
SIAM journal on mathematical analysis 38 (3), 824-844, 2006
82 2006 Unbiasedness of some generalized adaptive multilevel splitting algorithms CE Bréhier, M Gazeau, L Goudenège, T Lelièvre, M Rousset
76 2016 Adaptive multilevel splitting: Historical perspective and recent results F Cérou, A Guyader, M Rousset
Chaos: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Nonlinear Science 29 (4), 2019
70 2019 Hybrid Monte Carlo methods for sampling probability measures on submanifolds T Lelièvre, M Rousset, G Stoltz
Numerische Mathematik 143 (2), 379-421, 2019
53 2019 Analysis of adaptive multilevel splitting algorithms in an idealized case CE Bréhier, T Lelièvre, M Rousset
ESAIM: Probability and Statistics 19, 361-394, 2015
48 2015 Computation of free energy differences through nonequilibrium stochastic dynamics: The reaction coordinate case T Lelievre, M Rousset, G Stoltz
Journal of Computational Physics 222 (2), 624-643, 2007
44 2007 More on the long time stability of Feynman–Kac semigroups G Ferré, M Rousset, G Stoltz
Stochastics and Partial Differential Equations: Analysis and Computations 9 …, 2021
41 2021 Adaptive multilevel splitting for Monte Carlo particle transport H Louvin, E Dumonteil, T Lelièvre, M Rousset, CM Diop
EPJ Web of Conferences 153, 06006, 2017
41 2017 Equilibrium sampling from nonequilibrium dynamics M Rousset, G Stoltz
Journal of Statistical Physics 123, 1251-1272, 2006
36 2006 A central limit theorem for Fleming–Viot particle systems F Cérou, B Delyon, A Guyader, M Rousset
30 * 2020 On the asymptotic normality of adaptive multilevel splitting F Cérou, B Delyon, A Guyader, M Rousset
SIAM/ASA Journal on Uncertainty Quantification 7 (1), 1-30, 2019
30 2019 Sur la rigidité de polyèdres hyperboliques en dimension : cas de volume fini, cas hyperidéal, cas fuchsien M Rousset
Bulletin de la Société Mathématique de France 132 (2), 233-261, 2004
23 2004 Simulating individual-based models of bacterial chemotaxis with asymptotic variance reduction M Rousset, G Samaey
Mathematical Models and Methods in Applied Sciences 23 (12), 2155-2191, 2013
22 2013 A -uniform quantitative Tanaka's theorem for the conservative Kac's -particle system with Maxwell molecules M Rousset
arXiv preprint arXiv:1407.1965, 2014
17 2014 Individual-based models for bacterial chemotaxis in the diffusion asymptotics M Rousset, G Samaey
Mathematical Models and Methods in Applied Sciences 23 (11), 2005-2037, 2013
16 2013 Efficient statistical assessment of neural network corruption robustness K Tit, T Furon, M Rousset
Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 34, 9253-9263, 2021
15 2021