Effect of tree, stand, and site variables on the allometry of Eucalyptus globulus tree biomass N Antonio, M Tome, J Tome, P Soares, L Fontes Canadian Journal of Forest Research 37 (5), 895-906, 2007 | 206 | 2007 |
Rule based fuzzy cognitive maps-fuzzy causal relations JP Carvalho, JAB Tomè Computational Intelligence for Modelling, Control and Automation 199 (9), 1999 | 152 | 1999 |
Rule based fuzzy cognitive maps and fuzzy cognitive maps-a comparative study JP Carvalho, JAB Tomè 18th International Conference of the North American Fuzzy Information …, 1999 | 133 | 1999 |
Rule based fuzzy cognitive maps-qualitative systems dynamics JP Carvalho, JAB Tomè PeachFuzz 2000. 19th International Conference of the North American Fuzzy …, 2000 | 127 | 2000 |
Modelling spatial and temporal variability in a zero-inflated variable: the case of stone pine (Pinus pinea L.) cone production R Calama, S Mutke, J Tomé, J Gordo, G Montero, M Tomé Ecological Modelling 222 (3), 606-618, 2011 | 115 | 2011 |
Rule based fuzzy cognitive maps-expressing time in qualitative system dynamics JP Carvalho, JAB Tome 10th IEEE International Conference on Fuzzy Systems.(Cat. No. 01CH37297) 1 …, 2001 | 111 | 2001 |
Calibration and testing of a generalized process-based model for use in Portuguese eucalyptus plantations L Fontes, J Landsberg, J Tomé, M Tomé, CA Pacheco, P Soares, ... Canadian Journal of Forest Research 36 (12), 3209-3221, 2006 | 93 | 2006 |
Nonlinear fixed and random generalized height–diameter models for Portuguese cork oak stands JA Paulo, J Tomé, M Tomé Annals of Forest Science 68, 295-309, 2011 | 90 | 2011 |
Predicting site index from climate and soil variables for cork oak (Quercus suber L.) stands in Portugal JA Paulo, JHN Palma, AA Gomes, SP Faias, J Tomé, M Tomé New Forests 46, 293-307, 2015 | 79 | 2015 |
Fuzzy mechanisms for qualitative causal relations JP Carvalho, JAB Tomé Views on Fuzzy Sets and Systems from Different Perspectives: Philosophy and …, 2009 | 77 | 2009 |
Age-independent difference equations for modelling tree and stand growth J Tomé, M Tomé, S Barreiro, JA Paulo Canadian Journal of Forest Research 36 (7), 1621-1630, 2006 | 77 | 2006 |
Clearcutting effects on streamflow in coppiced Eucalyptus globulus stands in Portugal JS David, MO Henriques, TS David, J Tomé, DC Ledger Journal of Hydrology 162 (1-2), 143-154, 1994 | 62 | 1994 |
Positive effect of drought on longicorn borer larval survivl and growth on Eucalyptus trunks M da Conceição Caldeira, V Fernandéz, J Tomé, JS Pereira Annals of Forest Science 59 (1), 99-106, 2002 | 60 | 2002 |
Modeling dominant height growth of maritime pine in Portugal using GADA methodology with parameters depending on soil and climate variables L Nunes, M Patrício, J Tomé, M Tomé Annals of Forest Science 68, 311-323, 2011 | 50 | 2011 |
Rule Based Fuzzy Cognitive Maps in Socio-Economic Systems. JP Carvalho, JAB Tomé IFSA/EUSFLAT Conf., 1821-1826, 2009 | 49 | 2009 |
A comparative analysis of cross-correlation matching algorithms using a pyramidal resolution approach N Roma, J Santos-Victor, J Tomé Empirical Evaluation Methods in Computer Vision, 117-142, 2002 | 48 | 2002 |
Stand, tree and crown variables affecting cone crop and seed yield of Aleppo pine forests in different bioclimatic regions of Tunisia A Ayari, A Zubizarreta-Gerendiain, M Tomé, J Tome, S Garchi, B Henchi Forest Systems 21 (1), 128-140, 2012 | 44 | 2012 |
Equação de volume total, volume percentual e de perfil do tronco para Eucalyptus globulus Labill. em Portugal M Tomé, J Tomé, F Ribeiro, S Faias EFN, 2007 | 44 | 2007 |
Qualitative modelling of an economic system using rule-based fuzzy cognitive maps JP Carvalho, JAB Tomé 2004 IEEE International Conference on Fuzzy Systems (IEEE Cat. No. 04CH37542 …, 2004 | 41 | 2004 |
Issues on the stability of fuzzy cognitive maps and rule-based fuzzy cognitive maps JP Carvalho, JAB Tomé 2002 Annual Meeting of the North American Fuzzy Information Processing …, 2002 | 41 | 2002 |