Carolien van Ham
Cited by
Cited by
The embarrassment of riches? A meta-analysis of individual-level research on voter turnout
K Smets, C Van Ham
Electoral Studies 32 (2), 344-359, 2013
Myth and Reality of the Legitimacy Crisis: Explaining Trends and Cross-National Differences in Established Democracies. Oxford University Press.
C van Ham, J Thomassen, K Aarts, R Andeweg, ( eds.)
Oxford University Press, 2017
From sticks to carrots: Electoral manipulation in Africa, 1986–2012
C Van Ham, SI Lindberg
Government and Opposition 50 (3), 521-548, 2015
Matching Voters with Parties and Candidates: Voting Advice Applications in Comparative Perspective
J Anderson, I Andreadis, P Dumont, A De Angelis, J Fivas, T Fossen, ...
Ecpr Press, 2014
Getting elections right? Measuring electoral integrity
C Van Ham
Democratization 22 (4), 714-737, 2015
Electoral Management and the Organisational Determinants of Electoral Integrity
TS James, HA Garnett, L Loeber, C van Ham
International Political Science Review 40 (3), 298-312, 2019
Can experts judge elections? Testing the validity of expert judgments for measuring election integrity
FM Coma, C Van Ham
European journal of political research 54 (2), 305-325, 2015
Getting away with foul play? The importance of formal and informal oversight institutions for electoral integrity
S Birch, C van Ham
European Journal of Political Research, 2016
What explains regional variation in election fraud? Evidence from Russia: a research note
M Bader, C van Ham
Post-Soviet Affairs 31 (6), 514-528, 2015
Building impartial electoral management? Institutional design, independence and electoral integrity
C van Ham, HA Garnett
International Political Science Review 40 (3), 313-334, 2019
Failing political representation or a change in kind? Models of representation and empirical trends in Europe
J Thomassen, C van Ham
West European Politics 37 (2), 400-419, 2014
When Guardians Matter Most: Exploring the Conditions Under Which Electoral Management Body Institutional Design Affects Election Integrity
C van Ham, S Lindberg
Irish Political Studies 30 (4), 454-481, 2015
A legitimacy crisis of representative democracy?
J Thomassen, C van Ham
in: van Ham C; Thomassen J; Aarts K; Andeweg R (eds.), Myth and Reality of …, 2017
Comparing methods for estimating parties' positions in Voting Advice Applications
K Gemenis, CT van Ham
Matching Voters with Parties and Candidates: Voting Advice Applications in …, 2014
Political Trust and the Decline of Legitimacy Debate
J Thomassen, R Andeweg, C van Ham
in: Zmerli S; van der Meer T (ed.), The Handbook on Political Trust, pp. 509 …, 2017
The myth of legitimacy decline
C Van Ham, J Thomassen, K Aars, R Andeweg
Myth and reality of the legitimacy crisis, 17-34, 2017
Strong states, weak elections? How state capacity in authoritarian regimes conditions the democratizing power of elections
C van Ham, B Seim
International Political Science Review 39 (1), 49-66, 2018
De wankele democratie: heeft de democratie haar beste tijd gehad?
J Thomassen, C van Ham, R Andeweg
Prometheus Bert Bakker, 2014
The Effectiveness of Democracy Aid to Different Regime Types and Democracy Sectors
A Lührmann, KM McMann, C Van Ham
University of Gothenburg, Varieties of Democracy Institute: Working Paper 40, 2017
Beyond Electoralism? Electoral fraud in third wave regimes, 1974-2009
C Van Ham
PhD Thesis. European University Institute, 2012
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Articles 1–20