Karim Bouzehouane
Karim Bouzehouane
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Tunnel junctions with multiferroic barriers
M Gajek, M Bibes, S Fusil, K Bouzehouane, J Fontcuberta, A Barthélémy, ...
Nature materials 6 (4), 296-302, 2007
Additive interfacial chiral interaction in multilayers for stabilization of small individual skyrmions at room temperature
C Moreau-Luchaire, C Moutafis, N Reyren, J Sampaio, CAF Vaz, ...
Nature nanotechnology 11 (5), 444-448, 2016
A ferroelectric memristor
A Chanthbouala, V Garcia, RO Cherifi, K Bouzehouane, S Fusil, X Moya, ...
Nature materials 11 (10), 860-864, 2012
Giant tunnel electroresistance for non-destructive readout of ferroelectric states
V Garcia, S Fusil, K Bouzehouane, S Enouz-Vedrenne, ND Mathur, ...
Nature 460 (7251), 81-84, 2009
Ferroelectric control of spin polarization
V Garcia, M Bibes, L Bocher, S Valencia, F Kronast, A Crassous, X Moya, ...
Science 327 (5969), 1106-1110, 2010
High Mobility in Heterostructures: Origin, Dimensionality, and Perspectives
G Herranz, M Basletić, M Bibes, C Carrétéro, E Tafra, E Jacquet, ...
Physical review letters 98 (21), 216803, 2007
Unravelling the role of the interface for spin injection into organic semiconductors
C Barraud, P Seneor, R Mattana, S Fusil, K Bouzehouane, C Deranlot, ...
Nature Physics 6 (8), 615-620, 2010
Solid-state memories based on ferroelectric tunnel junctions
A Chanthbouala, A Crassous, V Garcia, K Bouzehouane, S Fusil, X Moya, ...
Nature nanotechnology 7 (2), 101-104, 2012
Mapping the spatial distribution of charge carriers in LaAlO3/SrTiO3 heterostructures
M Basletic, JL Maurice, C Carrétéro, G Herranz, O Copie, M Bibes, ...
Nature materials 7 (8), 621-625, 2008
Influence of parasitic phases on the properties of BiFeO3 epitaxial thin films
H Béa, M Bibes, A Barthélémy, K Bouzehouane, E Jacquet, A Khodan, ...
Applied Physics Letters 87 (7), 2005
Interface-induced room-temperature multiferroicity in BaTiO3
S Valencia, A Crassous, L Bocher, V Garcia, X Moya, RO Cherifi, ...
Nature materials 10 (10), 753-758, 2011
Evidence for room-temperature multiferroicity in a compound with a giant axial ratio
H Béa, B Dupé, S Fusil, R Mattana, E Jacquet, B Warot-Fonrose, ...
Physical review letters 102 (21), 217603, 2009
Room-temperature stabilization of antiferromagnetic skyrmions in synthetic antiferromagnets
W Legrand, D Maccariello, F Ajejas, S Collin, A Vecchiola, ...
Nature materials 19 (1), 34-42, 2020
Room-temperature current-induced generation and motion of sub-100 nm skyrmions
W Legrand, D Maccariello, N Reyren, K Garcia, C Moutafis, ...
Nano letters 17 (4), 2703-2712, 2017
NiFe2O4: A Versatile Spinel Material Brings New Opportunities for Spintronics
U Lüders, A Barthelemy, M Bibes, K Bouzehouane, S Fusil, E Jacquet, ...
Advanced Materials 18 (13), 1733-1736, 2006
Phase-locking of magnetic vortices mediated by antivortices
A Ruotolo, V Cros, B Georges, A Dussaux, J Grollier, C Deranlot, ...
Nature nanotechnology 4 (8), 528-532, 2009
Mechanisms of Exchange Bias with Multiferroic Epitaxial Thin Films
H Béa, M Bibes, F Ott, B Dupé, XH Zhu, S Petit, S Fusil, C Deranlot, ...
Physical review letters 100 (1), 017204, 2008
Electrical detection of single magnetic skyrmions in metallic multilayers at room temperature
D Maccariello, W Legrand, N Reyren, K Garcia, K Bouzehouane, S Collin, ...
Nature nanotechnology 13 (3), 233-237, 2018
Investigation on the origin of the magnetic moment of thin films by advanced x-ray characterizations
H Béa, M Bibes, S Fusil, K Bouzehouane, E Jacquet, K Rode, P Bencok, ...
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 74 (2), 020101, 2006
Spin filtering through ferromagnetic tunnel barriers
M Gajek, M Bibes, A Barthélémy, K Bouzehouane, S Fusil, M Varela, ...
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 72 (2), 020406, 2005
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Articles 1–20