Sudeshna Roy
Sudeshna Roy
Daiichi-Sankyo Europe GmbH
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Fast, flexible particle simulations—an introduction to MercuryDPM
T Weinhart, L Orefice, M Post, MP van Schrojenstein Lantman, ...
Computer physics communications 249, 107129, 2020
A general (ized) local rheology for wet granular materials
S Roy, S Luding, T Weinhart
New journal of physics 19 (4), 043014, 2017
A direct link between active matter and sheared granular systems
PK Morse, S Roy, E Agoritsas, E Stanifer, EI Corwin, ML Manning
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 118 (18), e2019909118, 2021
Micro–macro transition and simplified contact models for wet granular materials
S Roy, A Singh, S Luding, T Weinhart
Computational particle mechanics 3, 449-462, 2016
Steady state rheology of homogeneous and inhomogeneous cohesive granular materials
H Shi, S Roy, T Weinhart, V Magnanimo, S Luding
Granular matter 22, 1-20, 2020
Liquid redistribution in sheared wet granular media
S Roy, S Luding, T Weinhart
Physical Review E 98 (5), 052906, 2018
Towards hydrodynamic simulations of wet particle systems
S Roy, S Luding, T Weinhart
Procedia engineering 102, 1531-1538, 2015
Surface flow profiles for dry and wet granular materials by Particle Tracking Velocimetry; the effect of wall roughness
S Roy, BJ Scheper, H Polman, AR Thornton, DR Tunuguntla, S Luding, ...
The European Physical Journal E 42, 1-14, 2019
Mercury DPM: fast, flexible particle simulations in complex geometries part II: applications
T Weinhart, DR Tunuguntla, MP van Schrojenstein Lantman, ...
PARTICLES V: Proceedings of the V international conference on particle-based …, 2017
From particles in steady state shear bands via micro-macro to macroscopic rheology laws
S Luding, A Singh, S Roy, D Vescovi, T Weinhart, V Magnanimo
Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Discrete Element Methods …, 2017
Granular flow: from dilute to jammed states
H Shi, D Vescovi, A Singh, S Roy, V Magnanimo, S Luding
Granular materials, 43-67, 2017
Effect of cohesion on local compaction and granulation of sheared soft granular materials
S Roy, S Luding, T Weinhart
EPJ Web of Conferences 140, 03065, 2017
Effect of cohesion on structure of powder layers in additive manufacturing
S Roy, MY Shaheen, T Pöschel
Granular Matter 25 (4), 68, 2023
Local structural anisotropy in particle simulations of powder spreading in additive manufacturing
S Roy, H Xiao, MY Shaheen, T Pöschel
Casablanca International Conference on Additive Manufacturing, 139-149, 2022
SPIRAL: An efficient algorithm for the integration of the equation of rotational motion
CA del Valle, V Angelidakis, S Roy, JD Muñoz, T Pöschel
Computer Physics Communications 297, 109077, 2024
Macroscopic bulk cohesion and torque for wet granular materials
S Roy, S Luding, T Weinhart
8th International Conference for Conveying and Handling of Particulate …, 2015
Combined thermal and particle shape effects on powder spreading in additive manufacturing via discrete element simulations
S Roy, H Xiao, V Angelidakis, T Pöschel
Powder Technology 445, 120099, 2024
Structural fluctuations in thin cohesive particle layers in powder-based additive manufacturing
S Roy, H Xiao, V Angelidakis, T Pöschel
Granular Matter 26 (43), 1-14, 2024
DEM simulations of weakly wetted granular materials: implementation of capillary bridge models
A Gladky, S Roy, T Weinhart, S Luding, R Schwarze
Fourth Conference on Particle-Based Methods (PARTICLES 2015), 2015
Approximate expressions for the capillary force and the surface area of a liquid bridge between identical spheres
M Bagheri, S Roy, T Pöschel
Computational Particle Mechanics, 1-12, 2024
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Articles 1–20