Lionel Rigoux
Lionel Rigoux
PostDoc, Translational Neurocircuitry Group, Max-Planck Institute for Metabolic research, Cologne
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Bayesian model selection for group studies—revisited
L Rigoux, KE Stephan, KJ Friston, J Daunizeau
Neuroimage 84, 971-985, 2014
VBA: a probabilistic treatment of nonlinear models for neurobiological and behavioural data
J Daunizeau, V Adam, L Rigoux
PLoS computational biology 10 (1), e1003441, 2014
Supra-additive effects of combining fat and carbohydrate on food reward
AG DiFeliceantonio, G Coppin, L Rigoux, SE Thanarajah, A Dagher, ...
Cell metabolism 28 (1), 33-44. e3, 2018
Computational neuroimaging strategies for single patient predictions
KE Stephan, F Schlagenhauf, QJM Huys, S Raman, EA Aponte, ...
Neuroimage 145, 180-199, 2017
Computational dissection of dopamine motor and motivational functions in humans
R Le Bouc, L Rigoux, L Schmidt, B Degos, ML Welter, M Vidailhet, ...
Journal of Neuroscience 36 (25), 6623-6633, 2016
A model of reward-and effort-based optimal decision making and motor control
L Rigoux, E Guigon
Public Library of Science 8 (10), e1002716, 2012
Neurocomputational account of how the human brain decides when to have a break
F Meyniel, C Sergent, L Rigoux, J Daunizeau, M Pessiglione
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 110 (7), 2641-2646, 2013
An obesity-predisposing variant of the FTO gene regulates D2R-dependent reward learning
M Sevgi, L Rigoux, AB Kühn, J Mauer, L Schilbach, ME Hess, ...
Journal of Neuroscience 35 (36), 12584-12592, 2015
Neuro-computational account of how mood fluctuations arise and affect decision making
F Vinckier, L Rigoux, D Oudiette, M Pessiglione
Nature communications 9 (1), 1708, 2018
Confidence and psychosis: a neuro-computational account of contingency learning disruption by NMDA blockade
F Vinckier, R Gaillard, S Palminteri, L Rigoux, A Salvador, A Fornito, ...
Molecular Psychiatry 21 (7), 946-955, 2016
Influence of vmPFC on dmPFC predicts valence-guided belief formation
B Kuzmanovic, L Rigoux, M Tittgemeyer
Journal of Neuroscience 38 (37), 7996-8010, 2018
Habitual daily intake of a sweet and fatty snack modulates reward processing in humans
SE Thanarajah, AG DiFeliceantonio, K Albus, B Kuzmanovic, L Rigoux, ...
Cell metabolism 35 (4), 571-584. e6, 2023
Valence-dependent belief updating: computational validation
B Kuzmanovic, L Rigoux
Frontiers in psychology 8, 1087, 2017
The role of insulin sensitivity and intranasally applied insulin on olfactory perception
S Edwin Thanarajah, V Hoffstall, L Rigoux, R Hanssen, JC Brüning, ...
Scientific reports 9 (1), 7222, 2019
Sour grapes and sweet victories: How actions shape preferences
F Vinckier*, L Rigoux*, IT Kurniawan*, C Hu, S Bourgeois-Gironde, ...
PLOS Computational Biology 15 (1), e1006499, 2019
Modulation of midbrain neurocircuitry by intranasal insulin
SE Thanarajah, S Iglesias, B Kuzmanovic, L Rigoux, KE Stephan, ...
Neuroimage 194, 120-127, 2019
Dynamic causal modelling of brain–behaviour relationships
L Rigoux, J Daunizeau
NeuroImage 117, 202-221, 2015
Brief report: reduced optimism bias in self-referential belief updating in high-functioning autism
B Kuzmanovic, L Rigoux, K Vogeley
Journal of autism and developmental disorders 49 (7), 2990-2998, 2019
Modulation of fMRI brainstem responses by transcutaneous vagus nerve stimulation
D Borgmann, L Rigoux, B Kuzmanovic, SE Thanarajah, TF Münte, ...
Neuroimage 244, 118566, 2021
GLP-1 and hunger modulate incentive motivation depending on insulin sensitivity in humans
R Hanssen, AC Kretschmer, L Rigoux, K Albus, SE Thanarajah, ...
Molecular Metabolism 45, 101163, 2021
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