Amarante Vitra
Amarante Vitra
Junior scientist at Forschungsinstitut für biologischen Landbau (FiBL)
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Frost hardening and dehardening potential in temperate trees from winter to budburst
A Vitra, A Lenz, Y Vitasse
New Phytologist 216 (1), 113-123, 2017
Drought-induced decline of productivity in the dominant grassland species Lolium perenne L. depends on soil type and prevailing climatic conditions
A Buttler, P Mariotte, M Meisser, T Guillaume, C Signarbieux, A Vitra, ...
Soil Biology and Biochemistry 132, 47-57, 2019
Nutrient limitations induced by drought affect forage N and P differently in two permanent grasslands
M Meisser, A Vitra, C Deleglise, S Dubois, M Probo, E Mosimann, ...
Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment 280, 85-94, 2019
Responses of plant leaf economic and hydraulic traits mediate the effects of early-and late-season drought on grassland productivity
A Vitra, C Deleglise, M Meisser, AC Risch, C Signarbieux, L Lamacque, ...
AoB Plants 11 (3), plz023, 2019
Linking soil's volatilome to microbes and plant roots highlights the importance of microbes as emitters of belowground volatile signals
D Schenkel, A Deveau, J Niimi, P Mariotte, A Vitra, M Meisser, A Buttler, ...
Environmental microbiology 21 (9), 3313-3327, 2019
Linking functional plant traits and forage quality under drought conditions
M Meisser, A Vitra, E Mosimann, C Deléglise, A Buttler
Grassland resources for extensive farming systems in marginal lands: major …, 2017
Impact de la sécheresse sur le fonctionnement des systèmes herbagers
M Meisser, A Vitra, L Stévenin, E Mosimann, P Mariotte, A Buttler
Rech. Agron. Suisse 9, 82-91, 2018
Auswirkungen von Trockenperioden auf die Futterproduktion von Graslandsystemen
M Meisser, A Vitra, L Stévenin, E Mosimann, P Mariotte, A Buttler
Agrarforschung Schweiz 9 (3), 82-91, 2018
Trade-offs between milk production potential, tannin content and plant diversity depend on grassland mixtures
G Mesbahi, A Vitra, MT Dittmann, A Steiner, S Thorne, M Hesselmann, ...
30th EGF General Meeting 29, 2024
Evapotranspiration affects condensed tannin levels and MPP differently in four grassland mixes
A Vitra, G Mesbahi, MT Dittmann, A Steiner, S Thorne, M Hesselmann, ...
30th EGF General Meeting 29, 2024
Hat der Raufutteranteil eine besondere Bedeutung für Zweinutzungshennen?
F Leiber, M Helbing, AK Steiner, T Vlad, Z Amsler, N Quander-Stoll, ...
Agrarforschung Schweiz 15, 89-97, 2024
Futterpräferenzen von weidenden Milchkühen
M Hesselmann, A Vitra, F Leiber, M Dittmann
One Step Ahead-einen Schritt voraus! Beiträge zur 16. Wissenschaftstagung …, 2023
Sustainable productivity of livestock in European and Asian alpine grassland: a case study roadmap
F Leiber, A Mukaliev, A Vitra
Book of Abstracts of the 72nd Annual Meeting of the European Federation of …, 2021
The impact of drought on forage production in Switzerland, and farming practices to cope with water scarcity.
P Mariotte, R Frick, A Vitra, M Meisser, M Probo
Responses of permanent grasslands to drought during the plant growing season: combining agronomic, functional and ecophysiological approaches
A Vitra
EPFL, 2019
Seasonal effects of drought on plant and microbial phosphorus concentration
M Meisser, A Vitra, A Buttler, P Mariotte
Sustainable meat and milk production from grasslands, 637, 2018
Impact of drought on the functioning of grassland systems.
M Meisser, A Vitra, L Stevenin, E Mosimann, P Mariotte, A Buttler
Impacts of spring and summer droughts on yield and forage quality of three grasslands.
M Meisser, C Deléglise, C Signarbieux, A Vitra, E Mosimann, A Buttler
Interactive effects of altitude and management on resistance and resilience of permanent grasslands to drought: combining agronomic, functional and ecophysiological approaches …
A Buttler, C Deléglise, C Signarbieux, M Meisser, E Mosimann, R Mills, ...
AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts 2015, B53D-0599, 2015
L Bragazza, A Breguet, W Feng, J Ferrez, F Gadallah, ...
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