Bruno Losch
Bruno Losch
CIRAD - UMR Art-Dev - Center for the Study of Governance Innovation (GovInn) at the University of
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Cited by
Structural transformation and rural change revisited: challenges for late developing countries in a globalizing world
B Losch, S Fréguin-Gresh, ET White
World Bank Publications, 2012
Debating the multifunctionality of agriculture: from trade negotiations to development policies by the South
B Losch
Journal of agrarian change 4 (3), 336-360, 2004
Multifuncionalidad de la agricultura y nueva ruralidad:? reestructuracion de las politicas publicas a la hora de la globalizacion?
P Bonnal, PM Bosc, J Díaz, B Losch
Pontificia Universidad Javeriana, 2004
Structural transformation to boost youth labour demand in sub-Saharan Africa: The role of agriculture, rural areas and territorial development
B Losch
International Labour Organization, 2016
Les agricultures familiales du monde: définitions, contributions et politiques publiques
JF Bélières, P Bonnal, PM Bosc, B Losch, J Marzin, JM Sourisseau
AFD, Agence française de développement; CIRAD, 2014
Global restructuring and liberalization: Cote d’Ivoire and the End of the international cocoa market?
B Losch
Journal of agrarian change 2 (2), 206-227, 2002
Rural transformation and late developing countries in a globalizing world
B Losch, S Freguin-Gresh, ÉT White, JF Bélières, T Giordano
Rural transformation and late developing countries in a globalizing world: a …, 2011
La Côte d’Ivoire au bord de l’implosion
R Banégas, B Losch
Politique africaine, 139-161, 2002
La Côte d’Ivoire en quête d’un nouveau projet national
B Losch
Politique africaine, 5-25, 2000
Rural Africa in motion. Dynamics and drivers of migration South of the Sahara
S Mercandalli, B Losch
FAO, 2017
The role of rural producers organizations in the World Bank rural development strategy
PM Bosc, D Eychenne, K Hussein, B Losch, MR Mercoiret, P Rondot, ...
World Bank, 2002
Quel avenir pour les agricultures familiales d'Afrique de l'Ouest dans un contexte libéralisé?
JF Bélières, PM Bosc, G Faure, S Fournier, B Losch
IIED, 2002
Stratégies des producteurs en zone caféière et cacaoyère du Cameroun. Quelles adaptations à la crise?
B Losch, JL Fusillier, P Dupraz
Les agricultures familiales du monde
JF Bélières, P Bonnal, PM Bosc, B Losch, J Marzin, JM Sourisseau, ...
Définitions, contributions et politiques publiques. France: AFD-Cirad, 2013
What future for West Africa's family farms in a world market economy?
JF Bélières, PM Bosc, G Faure, S Fournier, B Losch
International Institute for Environment and Development, 2002
Rural Africa in motion
S Mercandalli, B Losch
Dynamics and drivers of migration South of the Sahara, 60, 2017
Crisis prevention in sub-Saharan Africa Agriculture: the key to the employment challenge
B Losch
Perspective, 1-4, 2012
The Role of Rural Producers Organisations (RPOs) in the World Bank Rural Development Strategy
PM Bosc, D Eychenne, K Hussein, B Losch, MR Mercoiret, P Rondot, ...
Background Study. Washington, DC: World Bank, 2001
Une nouvelle ruralité émergente: regards croisés sur les transformations rurales africaines
B Losch, G Magrin, J Imbernon
CIRAD, 2013
Coup de cacao en Côte d'Ivoire
B Losch
Critique internationale 9 (1), 6-14, 2000
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Articles 1–20