Bryan E Luu
Bryan E Luu
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The hibernating South American marsupial, Dromiciops gliroides, displays torpor-sensitive microRNA expression patterns
H Hadj-Moussa, JA Moggridge, BE Luu, JF Quintero-Galvis, ...
Scientific reports 6 (1), 24627, 2016
MicroRNA regulation in heart and skeletal muscle over the freeze–thaw cycle in the freeze tolerant wood frog
S Bansal, BE Luu, KB Storey
Journal of Comparative Physiology B 186, 229-241, 2016
Analysis of microRNA expression during the torpor-arousal cycle of a mammalian hibernator, the 13-lined ground squirrel
CW Wu, KK Biggar, BE Luu, KE Szereszewski, KB Storey
Physiological genomics 48 (6), 388-396, 2016
Metabolic suppression in the pelagic crab, Pleuroncodes planipes, in oxygen minimum zones
BA Seibel, BE Luu, SN Tessier, T Towanda, KB Storey
Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology Part B: Biochemistry and Molecular …, 2018
The roles of hippocampal microRNAs in response to acute postnatal exposure to di (2-ethylhexyl) phthalate in female and male rats
BE Luu, SR Green, CL Childers, MR Holahan, KB Storey
Neurotoxicology 59, 98-104, 2017
MicroRNAs facilitate skeletal muscle maintenance and metabolic suppression in hibernating brown bears
BE Luu, E Lefai, S Giroud, JE Swenson, B Chazarin, G Gauquelin‐Koch, ...
Journal of cellular physiology 235 (4), 3984-3993, 2020
Preadolescent phthalate (DEHP) exposure is associated with elevated locomotor activity and reward-related behavior and a reduced number of tyrosine hydroxylase positive neurons …
MR Holahan, CA Smith, BE Luu, KB Storey
Toxicological Sciences 165 (2), 512-530, 2018
The role of global histone post-translational modifications during mammalian hibernation
SN Tessier, BE Luu, JC Smith, KB Storey
Cryobiology 75, 28-36, 2017
Torpor‐responsive expression of novel microRNA regulating metabolism and other cellular pathways in the thirteen‐lined ground squirrel, Ictidomys tridecemlineatus
BE Luu, KK Biggar, CW Wu, KB Storey
FEBS letters 590 (20), 3574-3582, 2016
Dehydration triggers differential microRNA expression in Xenopus laevis brain
BE Luu, KB Storey
Gene 573 (1), 64-69, 2015
The Regulation of Troponins I, C and ANP by GATA4 and Nkx2-5 in Heart of Hibernating Thirteen-Lined Ground Squirrels, Ictidomys tridecemlineatus
BE Luu, SN Tessier, DL Duford, KB Storey
PLoS One 10 (2), e0117747, 2015
Strategies of biochemical adaptation for hibernation in a South American marsupial, Dromiciops gliroides: 2. Control of the Akt pathway and protein translation machinery
BE Luu, S Wijenayake, J Zhang, SN Tessier, JF Quintero-Galvis, ...
Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology Part B: Biochemistry and Molecular …, 2018
Turn down genes for WAT? Activation of anti-apoptosis pathways protects white adipose tissue in metabolically depressed thirteen-lined ground squirrels
SM Logan, BE Luu, KB Storey
Molecular and cellular biochemistry 416, 47-62, 2016
The complete mitochondrial genome of Dryophytes versicolor: Phylogenetic relationship among Hylidae and mitochondrial protein-coding gene expression in response to freezing and …
JY Zhang, BE Luu, DN Yu, LP Zhang, R Al-Attar, KB Storey
International journal of biological macromolecules 132, 461-469, 2019
Strategies of biochemical adaptation for hibernation in a South American marsupial Dromiciops gliroides: 1. Mitogen-activated protein kinases and the cell stress response
S Wijenayake, BE Luu, J Zhang, SN Tessier, JF Quintero-Galvis, ...
Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology Part B: Biochemistry and Molecular …, 2018
The regulation of heat shock proteins in response to dehydration in Xenopus laevis
BE Luu, S Wijenayake, AI Malik, KB Storey
Cell Stress and Chaperones 23 (1), 45-53, 2018
Identification of novel and conserved microRNA and their expression in the gray mouse lemur, Microcebus murinus, a primate capable of daily torpor
KK Biggar, BE Luu, CW Wu, F Pifferi, M Perret, KB Storey
Gene 677, 332-339, 2018
Strategies of biochemical adaptation for hibernation in a South American marsupial, Dromiciops gliroides: 4. Regulation of pyruvate dehydrogenase complex and metabolic fuel …
S Wijenayake, BE Luu, J Zhang, SN Tessier, JF Quintero-Galvis, ...
Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology Part B: Biochemistry and Molecular …, 2018
Strategies of biochemical adaptation for hibernation in a south American marsupial, Dromiciops gliroides: 3. Activation of pro-survival response pathways
BE Luu, S Wijenayake, J Zhang, SN Tessier, JF Quintero-Galvis, ...
Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology Part B: Biochemistry and Molecular …, 2018
Solving Donor Organ Shortage with Insights from Freeze Tolerance in Nature: Activating endogenous antioxidant systems with non‐coding RNA to precondition donor organs
BE Luu, KB Storey
BioEssays 40 (10), 1800092, 2018
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Articles 1–20