Thomas Baudel
Thomas Baudel
IBM - Université Paris-Saclay
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Cited by
Toolglass and magic lenses: the see-through interface
EA Bier, MC Stone, K Pier, W Buxton, TD DeRose
Seminal Graphics Papers: Pushing the Boundaries, Volume 2, 59-66, 1994
Charade: remote control of objects using free-hand gestures
T Baudel, M Beaudouin-Lafon
Communications of the ACM 36 (7), 28-35, 1993
The design of a GUI paradigm based on tablets, two-hands, and transparency
G Kurtenbach, G Fitzmaurice, T Baudel, B Buxton
Proceedings of the ACM SIGCHI Conference on Human factors in computing …, 1997
Three dimensional input system using tilt
R Balakrishnan, TPH Baudel, GP Kurtenbach, GW Fitzmaurice
US Patent 6,115,028, 2000
The Rockin'Mouse: integral 3D manipulation on a plane
R Balakrishnan, T Baudel, G Kurtenbach, G Fitzmaurice
Proceedings of the ACM SIGCHI Conference on Human factors in computing …, 1997
A taxonomy of see-through tools
EA Bier, MC Stone, K Fishkin, W Buxton, T Baudel
Proceedings of the SIGCHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems …, 1994
The Hotbox: efficient access to a large number of menu-items
G Kurtenbach, GW Fitzmaurice, RN Owen, T Baudel
Proceedings of the SIGCHI conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems …, 1999
A mark-based interaction paradigm for free-hand drawing
T Baudel
Proceedings of the 7th annual ACM symposium on User interface software and …, 1994
Focus-change invariance in a graphical display
T Baudel, B Broeksema
US Patent App. 13/363,547, 2013
When it gets more difficult, use both hands: exploring bimanual curve manipulation
R Owen, G Kurtenbach, G Fitzmaurice, T Baudel, B Buxton
Proceedings of Graphics Interface 2005, 17-24, 2005
Interactive generation of graphical visualizations of large data structures
T Baudel
US Patent 6,928,436, 2005
Clickaround tool-based graphical interface with two cursors
T Baudel, WAS Buxton, GW Fitzmaurice, BL Harrison, GP Kurtenbach, ...
US Patent 5,666,499, 1997
Visual Analysis of Multi‐Dimensional Categorical Data Sets
B Broeksema, AC Telea, T Baudel
Computer Graphics Forum 32 (8), 158-169, 2013
From information visualization to direct manipulation: extending a generic visualization framework for the interactive editing of large datasets
T Baudel
Proceedings of the 19th annual ACM symposium on User interface software and …, 2006
Method and system of adapting a data model to a user interface component
T Baudel, F Delhoume
US Patent 8,762,426, 2014
Browsing through an information visualization design space
T Baudel
CHI'04 Extended Abstracts on Human Factors in Computing Systems, 765-766, 2004
Multiway trie data structure that dynamically adjusts node sizes in a manner that reduces memory footprint and improves access speed
T Baudel
US Patent 8,495,093, 2013
Capturing the Design Space of Sequential Space-Filling Layouts
T Baudel, B Broeksema
IEEE Transactions Visualization Computer Graphics 12 (December), 2593-2602, 2012
Drawing system using design guides
TPH Baudel, GW Fitzmaurice, WAS Buxton, GP Kurtenbach, CT Tappen, ...
US Patent 6,377,240, 2002
Optimizing Urban Freight Deliveries: From Designing And Testing A Prototype System To Addressing Real Life Challenges
T Baudel, L Dablanc, P Aguiar-Melgarejo, J Ashton
Transportation Research Procedia, Tenth International Conference on City …, 2016
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Articles 1–20