Vincent Couallier
Vincent Couallier
IMB UMR CNRS 5251 University Bordeaux
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Enthesopathies as occupational stress markers: evidence from the upper limb
S Villotte, D Castex, V Couallier, O Dutour, CJ Knüsel, D Henry‐Gambier
American Journal of Physical Anthropology: The Official Publication of the …, 2010
Chain and conformation stability of solid-state DNA: implications for room temperature storage
J Bonnet, M Colotte, D Coudy, V Couallier, J Portier, B Morin, S Tuffet
Nucleic acids research 38 (5), 1531-1546, 2010
Inferring shifts in tree species distribution using asymmetric distribution curves: a case study in the Iberian mountains
M Urli, S Delzon, A Eyermann, V Couallier, R García‐Valdés, MA Zavala, ...
Journal of vegetation Science 25 (1), 147-159, 2014
«Statistique des essais accélérés» by M. Nikulin, L. Gerville-Reache, V. Couallier
M Nikulin, L Gerville-Réache, V Couallier
HERMES: London, 2007
Échantillon représentatif (d'une population finie): définition statistique et propriétés
L Gerville-Réache, V Couallier
Intradermal injection of a Tat Oyi-based therapeutic HIV vaccine reduces of 1.5 log copies/mL the HIV RNA rebound median and no HIV DNA rebound following cART interruption in a …
EP Loret, A Darque, E Jouve, EA Loret, C Nicolino-Brunet, S Morange, ...
Retrovirology 13, 1-11, 2016
Simultaneous assessment of average fragment size and amount in minute samples of degraded DNA
M Colotte, V Couallier, S Tuffet, J Bonnet
Analytical biochemistry 388 (2), 345-347, 2009
Are bone losers distinguishable from bone formers in a skeletal series? Implications for adult age at death assessment methods
A Schmitt, U Wapler, V Couallier, E Cunha
Homo 58 (1), 53-66, 2007
Some recent results on joint degradation and failure time modeling
V Couallier
Probability, Statistics and Modelling in Public Health, 73-89, 2006
Control of extended-spectrum β-lactamase–producing Enterobacteriaceae nosocomial acquisition in an intensive care unit: A time series regression analysis
A Boyer, V Couallier, B Clouzeau, A Lasheras, F M'zali, M Kann, ...
American Journal of Infection Control 43 (12), 1296-1301, 2015
Modelling pipe failures in water distribution systems: accounting for harmful repairs and a time-dependent covariate
G Babykina, V Couallier
International Journal of Performability Engineering 10 (1), 41, 2014
Statistical models and methods for reliability and survival analysis
V Couallier, L Gerville-Réache, C Huber-Carol, N Limnios, M Mesbah
John Wiley & Sons, 2013
Integration of time-dependent covariates in recurrent events modelling: application to failures on drinking water networks
K Claudio, V Couallier, Y Le Gat
Journal de la Société Française de Statistique 155 (3), 62-77, 2014
Empirical assessment of the maximum likelihood estimator quality in a parametric counting process model for recurrent events
G Babykina, V Couallier
Computational statistics & data analysis 56 (2), 297-315, 2012
Modelling recurrent events for repairable systems under worse than old assumption
G Babykina, V Couallier
Advances in Degradation Modeling: Applications to Reliability, Survival …, 2010
Comparison of parametric and semiparametric estimates in a degradation model with covariates and traumatic censoring
V Couallier
Parametric and semiparametric models with applications to reliability …, 2004
A competing risks model for degradation and traumatic failure times
V Couallier
Statistical models and methods for biomedical and technical systems, 83-93, 2008
Estimation non paramétrique d'une discontinuité dans une densité
V Couallier
Comptes Rendus de l'Académie des Sciences-Series I-Mathematics 329 (7), 633-636, 1999
Consumption estimation with a partial automatic meter reading deployment
K Claudio, V Couallier, C Leclerc, Y Le Gat, J Saracco
Water Science and Technology: Water Supply 15 (1), 50-58, 2015
Accelerated life and degradation models in reliability and safety: an engineering perspective
M Nikulin, V Couallier, L Gerville-Reache, L Denis
EA 2961, Statistique Mathematique et ses Applications, Univ. Bordeaux2, 2009
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Articles 1–20