Jeroen Ligthart
Jeroen Ligthart
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Experimentally Validated Model Predictive Controller for a Hexacopter
JAJ Ligthart, P Poksawat, L Wang, H Nijmeijer
IFAC-PapersOnLine 50 (1), 4076-4081, 2017
Controller design for cooperative driving with guaranteed safe behavior
J Ligthart, E Semsar-Kazerooni, J Ploeg, M Alirezaei, H Nijmeijer
IEEE Conference on Control Technology and Applications (CCTA), 2018
Safety analysis of a vehicle equipped with Cooperative Adaptive Cruise Control
JAJ Ligthart, J Ploeg, E Semsar Kazerooni, M Fusco, H Nijmeijer
15th IFAC Symposium on Control in Transportation Systems (CTS), 2018
PDA measurements: fact or fiction.
M Orlando, J Ligthart, J van Wijk, S Raymackers
11th International Conference on Stress Wave Theory and Design and Testing …, 2022
A novel anvil modelling approach for pile driveability prediction, validated with PDA measurements
JAJ Ligthart, M Orlando
The effect of (short-term) capacity adjustments in determining optimal capacity levels in a make-to-order environment under a lead-time performance constraint
J Ligthart
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Articles 1–6