Lorena Chanes
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Evidence for a large-scale brain system supporting allostasis and interoception in humans
IR Kleckner, J Zhang, A Touroutoglou, L Chanes, C Xia, WK Simmons, ...
Nature human behaviour 1 (5), 0069, 2017
Redefining the role of limbic areas in cortical processing
L Chanes, LF Barrett
Trends in cognitive sciences 20 (2), 96-106, 2016
Frontal eye field, where art thou? Anatomy, function, and non-invasive manipulation of frontal regions involved in eye movements and associated cognitive operations
M Vernet, R Quentin, L Chanes, A Mitsumasu, A Valero-Cabré
Frontiers in integrative neuroscience 8, 66, 2014
Causal frequency-specific contributions of frontal spatiotemporal patterns induced by non-invasive neurostimulation to human visual performance
L Chanes, R Quentin, C Tallon-Baudry, A Valero-Cabré
Journal of Neuroscience 33 (11), 5000-5005, 2013
Spatial attention and conscious perception: the role of endogenous and exogenous orienting
AB Chica, S Lasaponara, L Chanes, A Valero-Cabré, F Doricchi, ...
Attention, Perception, & Psychophysics 73, 1065-1081, 2011
Fronto-parietal anatomical connections influence the modulation of conscious visual perception by high-beta frontal oscillatory activity
R Quentin, L Chanes, M Vernet, A Valero-Cabré
Cerebral cortex 25 (8), 2095-2101, 2015
Manipulation of pre-target activity on the right frontal eye field enhances conscious visual perception in humans
L Chanes, AB Chica, R Quentin, A Valero-Cabre
PLoS One 7 (5), e36232, 2012
Facial expression predictions as drivers of social perception.
L Chanes, JB Wormwood, N Betz, LF Barrett
Journal of personality and social psychology 114 (3), 380, 2018
Visual contrast sensitivity improvement by right frontal high-beta activity is mediated by contrast gain mechanisms and influenced by fronto-parietal white matter microstructure
R Quentin, S Elkin Frankston, M Vernet, MN Toba, P Bartolomeo, ...
Cerebral cortex 26 (6), 2381-2390, 2016
Fronto-tectal white matter connectivity mediates facilitatory effects of non-invasive neurostimulation on visual detection
R Quentin, L Chanes, R Migliaccio, R Valabrègue, A Valero-Cabré
Neuroimage 82, 344-354, 2013
Self and other mentalizing polarities and dimensions of mental health: association with types of symptoms, functioning and well-being
S Ballespí, J Vives, C Sharp, L Chanes, N Barrantes-Vidal
Frontiers in psychology 12, 566254, 2021
Evidence for a large-scale brain system supporting allostasis and interoception in humans. Nature Human Behaviour, 1 (5), 1–14
IR Kleckner, J Zhang, A Touroutoglou, L Chanes, C Xia, WK Simmons, ...
Topography impacts topology: Anatomically central areas exhibit a “high-level connector” profile in the human cortex
J Zhang, LH Scholtens, Y Wei, MP Van Den Heuvel, L Chanes, LF Barrett
Cerebral Cortex 30 (3), 1357-1365, 2020
Ultra high field fMRI of human superior colliculi activity during affective visual processing
YC Wang, M Bianciardi, L Chanes, AB Satpute
Scientific reports 10 (1), 1331, 2020
Arrhythmic activity in the left frontal eye field facilitates conscious visual perception in humans
L Chanes, R Quentin, M Vernet, A Valero-Cabré
Cortex 71, 240-247, 2015
European reclassification of non-invasive brain stimulation as class III medical devices: A call to action
C Baeken, M Arns, J Brunelin, L Chanes, I Filipcic, A Ganho-Ávila, ...
Brain Stimulation: Basic, Translational, and Clinical Research in …, 2023
Noninvasive modulation of predictive coding in humans: causal evidence for frequency-specific temporal dynamics
M Draganov, J Galiano-Landeira, D Doruk Camsari, JE Ramírez, ...
Cerebral Cortex 33 (13), 8421-8430, 2023
Predictive processing in depression: Increased prediction error following negative valence contexts and influence of recent mood-congruent yet irrelevant experiences
I Ramos-Grille, J Weyant, JB Wormwood, M Robles, V Vallès, ...
Journal of Affective Disorders 311, 8-16, 2022
The predictive brain, conscious experience, and brain-related conditions
L Chanes, LF Barrett
The philosophy and science of predictive processing 1, 159-169, 2020
The consequences of the new European reclassification of non-invasive brain stimulation devices and the medical device regulations pose an existential threat to research and …
A Antal, A Ganho-Ávila, S Assecondi, T Barbour, J Bjekić, DM Blumberger, ...
Clinical Neurophysiology, 2024
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