Aurélie Goineau
Aurélie Goineau
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Insights into the abundance and diversity of abyssal megafauna in a polymetallic-nodule region in the eastern Clarion-Clipperton Zone
DJ Amon, AF Ziegler, TG Dahlgren, AG Glover, A Goineau, AJ Gooday, ...
Scientific Reports 6, 30492, 2016
Characteristics of meiofauna in extreme marine ecosystems: a review
D Zeppilli, D Leduc, C Fontanier, D Fontaneto, S Fuchs, AJ Gooday, ...
Marine Biodiversity 48 (1), 35-71, 2018
Live (stained) benthic foraminifera from the Rhône prodelta (Gulf of Lion, NW Mediterranean): Environmental controls on a river-dominated shelf
A Goineau, C Fontanier, FJ Jorissen, B Lansard, R Buscail, A Mouret, ...
Journal of Sea Research 65 (1), 58-75, 2011
Giant protists (xenophyophores, Foraminifera) are exceptionally diverse in parts of the abyssal eastern Pacific licensed for polymetallic nodule exploration
AJ Gooday, M Holzmann, C Caulle, A Goineau, O Kamenskaya, ...
Biological Conservation 207, 106-116, 2017
Temporal variability of live (stained) benthic foraminiferal faunas in a river-dominated shelf–Faunal response to rapid changes of the river influence (Rhône prodelta, NW …
A Goineau, C Fontanier, F Jorissen, R Buscail, P Kerhervé, C Cathalot, ...
Biogeosciences 9 (4), 1367-1388, 2012
Live−dead comparison of benthic foraminiferal faunas from the Rhône prodelta (Gulf of Lions, NW Mediterranean): Development of a proxy for palaeoenvironmental reconstructions
A Goineau, C Fontanier, M Mojtahid, AS Fanget, MA Bassetti, S Berné, ...
Marine Micropaleontology, 2015
Novel benthic foraminifera are abundant and diverse in an area of the abyssal equatorial Pacific licensed for polymetallic nodule exploration
A Goineau, AJ Gooday
Scientific Reports 7, 45288, 2017
Abyssal foraminifera attached to polymetallic nodules from the eastern Clarion Clipperton Fracture Zone: a preliminary description and comparison with North Atlantic dropstone …
AJ Gooday, A Goineau, I Voltski
Marine Biodiversity, 1-22, 2015
Historical evolution and extreme climate events during the last 400 years on the Rhône prodelta (NW Mediterranean)
AS Fanget, MA Bassetti, M Arnaud, JF Chiffoleau, D Cossa, A Goineau, ...
Marine Geology, 2012
Diversity and spatial patterns of foraminiferal assemblages in the eastern Clarion–Clipperton zone (abyssal eastern equatorial Pacific)
A Goineau, AJ Gooday
Deep Sea Research Part I: Oceanographic Research Papers 149, 103036, 2019
The Contribution of fine sieve fractions (63–150 μm) to foraminiferal abundance and diversity in an area of the Eastern Pacific Ocean licensed for polymetallic nodule Exploration
AJ Gooday, A Goineau
Frontiers in Marine Science 6, 114, doi: 10.3389/fmars.2019.00114, 2019
Five new species and two new genera of xenophyophores (Foraminifera: Rhizaria) from part of the abyssal equatorial Pacific licensed for polymetallic nodule exploration
AJ Gooday, M Holzmann, A Goineau, RB Pearce, I Voltski, AAT Weber, ...
Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society 183 (4), 723-748, 2018
The biodiversity and distribution of abyssal benthic foraminifera and their possible ecological roles: a synthesis across the Clarion-Clipperton Zone.
AJ Gooday, F Lejzerowicz, A Goineau, M Holzmann, O Kamenskaya, ...
Frontiers in Marine Science 8, 634726, 2021
New species of the xenophyophore genus Aschemonella (Rhizaria: Foraminifera) from areas of the abyssal eastern Pacific licensed for polymetallic nodule exploration
AJ Gooday, M Holzmann, C Caulle, A Goineau, DOB Jones, ...
Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society 182 (3), 479-499, 2018
Xenophyophores (Rhizaria, Foraminifera) from the Eastern Clarion-Clipperton Zone (equatorial Pacific): The Genus Psammina
AJ Gooday, M Holzmann, A Goineau, O Kamenskaya, VF Melnik, ...
Protist 169 (6), 926-957, 2018
The London workshop on the biogeography and connectivity of the Clarion-Clipperton Zone
A Glover, T Dahlgren, S Taboada, G Paterson, H Wiklund, ...
Pensoft Publishers, 2016
Radiolarian tests as microhabitats for novel benthic foraminifera: Observations from the abyssal eastern equatorial Pacific (Clarion–Clipperton fracture zone)
A Goineau, AJ Gooday
Deep Sea Research Part I: Oceanographic Research Papers 103, 73-85, 2015
Ecologie des foraminifères benthiques dans le prodelta du Rhône - Détermination de bio-indicateurs environnementaux et reconstitution historique d'une anthropisation récente
A Goineau
Université d'Angers, 2011
Loricifera inhabiting spherical agglutinated structures in the abyssal eastern equatorial Pacific nodule fields
RM Kristensen, AJ Gooday, A Goineau
Marine Biodiversity 49, 2455-2466, 2019
Ecology of benthic foraminifera in the Rhone prodelta: Determination of environmental bio-indicators and historical reconstruction of a recent anthropogenic impact
A Goineau
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Articles 1–20