João Fortuna
João Fortuna
CEiiA - Centro de Engenharia e Desenvolvimento
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The LSTS toolchain for networked vehicle systems
J Pinto, PS Dias, R Martins, J Fortuna, E Marques, J Sousa
2013 MTS/IEEE OCEANS-Bergen, 1-9, 2013
Multiple UAV area decomposition and coverage
JF Araujo, PB Sujit, JB Sousa
2013 IEEE symposium on computational intelligence for security and defense …, 2013
Do it yourself hyperspectral imager for handheld to airborne operations
F Sigernes, M Syrjäsuo, R Storvold, J Fortuna, ME Grøtte, TA Johansen
Optics express 26 (5), 6021-6035, 2018
Coordinating UAVs and AUVs for oceanographic field experiments: Challenges and lessons learned
M Faria, J Pinto, F Py, J Fortuna, H Dias, R Martins, F Leira, TA Johansen, ...
2014 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), 6606-6611, 2014
Integrated Monitoring of Mola mola Behaviour in Space and Time
LL Sousa, F López-Castejón, J Gilabert, P Relvas, A Couto, N Queiroz, ...
PLOS one 11 (8), e0160404, 2016
Using low cost open source UAVs for marine wild life monitoring-Field Report
J Fortuna, F Ferreira, R Gomes, S Ferreira, J Sousa
IFAC Proceedings Volumes 46 (30), 291-295, 2013
On-The-Fly Processing of continuous high-dimensional data streams
R Vitale, A Zhyrova, JF Fortuna, OE De Noord, A Ferrer, H Martens
Chemometrics and Intelligent Laboratory Systems 161, 118-129, 2017
Chasing fish: Tracking and control in a autonomous multi-vehicle real-world experiment
J Pinto, M Faria, J Fortuna, R Martins, J Sousa, N Queiroz, F Py, K Rajan
2013 OCEANS-San Diego, 1-6, 2013
Hyperspectral time series analysis: hyperspectral image data streams interpreted by modeling known and unknown variations
P Stefansson, J Fortuna, H Rahmati, I Burud, T Konevskikh, H Martens
Data Handling in Science and Technology 32, 305-331, 2019
Multivariate image fusion: A pipeline for hyperspectral data enhancement
J Fortuna, H Martens, TA Johansen
Chemometrics and Intelligent Laboratory Systems 205, 104097, 2020
A lightweight payload for hyperspectral remote sensing using small UAVs
J Fortuna, TA Johansen
2018 9th Workshop on Hyperspectral Image and Signal Processing: Evolution in …, 2018
Cascaded line-of-sight path-following and sliding mode controllers for fixed-wing UAVs
J Fortuna, TI Fossen
2015 IEEE Conference on Control Applications (CCA), 798-803, 2015
Multivariate data modelling for de-shadowing of airborne hyperspectral imaging
J Fortuna, H Martens
Coordinating uavs and auvs for oceanographic field experiments: Challenges and lessons learned experiments in uav and auv control for coastal oceanography
M Faria, J Pinto, F Py, J Fortuna, H Dias, R Martins, F Leira, TA Johansen, ...
Proc. IEEE Int. Conf. Robotics and Automation, Hong Kong, 2014
Search Patterns
J Fortuna
Report, 2012
Hyperspectral Remote Sensing Instrument design, field campaigns and data analysis
J Fortuna
NTNU, 2021
Mixed Initiative planning and control of UAV teams for Persistent Surveillance Final Preparation Report
J Fortuna
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Articles 1–17