Alejandro B. Kolton
Alejandro B. Kolton
CONICET - Instituto Balseiro - Centro Atomico Bariloche, ARGENTINA
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Hall noise and transverse freezing in driven vortex lattices
AB Kolton, D Domínguez, N Grønbech-Jensen
Physical review letters 83 (15), 3061, 1999
Dynamics below the depinning threshold in disordered elastic systems
AB Kolton, A Rosso, T Giamarchi, W Krauth
Physical review letters 97 (5), 057001, 2006
Pinning-Dependent Field-Driven Domain Wall Dynamics and Thermal Scaling in an Ultrathin Magnetic Film
J Gorchon, S Bustingorry, J Ferré, V Jeudy, AB Kolton, T Giamarchi
Physical Review Letters 113 (2), 027205, 2014
Universal pinning energy barrier for driven domain walls in thin ferromagnetic films
V Jeudy, A Mougin, S Bustingorry, W Savero Torres, J Gorchon, AB Kolton, ...
Physical review letters 117 (5), 057201, 2016
Creep dynamics of elastic manifolds via exact transition pathways
AB Kolton, A Rosso, T Giamarchi, W Krauth
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 79 (18), 184207, 2009
Creep motion of an elastic string in a random potential
AB Kolton, A Rosso, T Giamarchi
Physical review letters 94 (4), 047002, 2005
Mode locking in ac-driven vortex lattices with random pinning
AB Kolton, D Domínguez, N Grønbech-Jensen
Physical Review Letters 86 (18), 4112, 2001
Nonsteady relaxation and critical exponents at the depinning transition
EE Ferrero, S Bustingorry, AB Kolton
Physical Review E—Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics 87 (3 …, 2013
Thermal rounding of the depinning transition
S Bustingorry, AB Kolton, T Giamarchi
Europhysics Letters 81 (2), 26005, 2007
Pinning of domain walls in thin ferromagnetic films
V Jeudy, R Díaz Pardo, W Savero Torres, S Bustingorry, AB Kolton
Physical Review B 98 (5), 054406, 2018
Universal depinning transition of domain walls in ultrathin ferromagnets
R Diaz Pardo, W Savero Torres, AB Kolton, S Bustingorry, V Jeudy
Physical Review B 95 (18), 184434, 2017
Numerical approaches on driven elastic interfaces in random media
EE Ferrero, S Bustingorry, AB Kolton, A Rosso
Comptes Rendus. Physique 14 (8), 641-650, 2013
A mechanism for spatial and temporal earthquake clustering
EA Jagla, AB Kolton
Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth 115 (B5), 2010
Theory and simulations on strong pinning of vortex lines by nanoparticles
AE Koshelev, AB Kolton
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 84 (10), 104528, 2011
Crossed-ratchet effects for magnetic domain wall motion
A Pérez-Junquera, VI Marconi, AB Kolton, LM Álvarez-Prado, Y Souche, ...
Physical review letters 100 (3), 037203, 2008
Static and dynamic coupling transitions of vortex lattices in disordered anisotropic superconductors
CJ Olson, GT Zimanyi, AB Kolton, N Grønbech-Jensen
Physical Review Letters 85 (25), 5416, 2000
Growing correlations and aging of an elastic line in a random potential
JL Iguain, S Bustingorry, AB Kolton, LF Cugliandolo
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 80 (9), 094201, 2009
Nonequilibrium relaxation of an elastic string in a random potential
AB Kolton, A Rosso, T Giamarchi
Physical review letters 95 (18), 180604, 2005
Heterogeneous dynamics of the three-dimensional Coulomb glass out of equilibrium
AB Kolton, DR Grempel, D Domínguez
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 71 (2), 024206, 2005
Thermal quench effects on ferroelectric domain walls
P Paruch, AB Kolton, X Hong, CH Ahn, T Giamarchi
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 85 (21), 214115, 2012
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Articles 1–20