Ahmed Amrani
Ahmed Amrani
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A semi-automatic system for tagging specialized corpora
A Amrani, Y Kodratoff, O Matte-Tailliez
Pacific-Asia Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining, 670-681, 2004
A chain of text-mining to extract information in archaeology
A Amrani, V Abajian, Y Kodratoff, O Matte-Tailliez
2008 3rd International Conference on Information and Communication …, 2008
From the Texts to the Contexts They Contain: A Chain of Linguistic Treatments.
A Amrani, J Azé, T Heitz, Y Kodratoff, M Roche
TREC, 2004
Train speed profiles optimization using a genetic algorithm based on a random-forest model to estimate energy consumption
A Amrani, A Ben-hamida, T Liu, O Langlois
Transport Research Arena (TRA) 2018, 2018
Enhance journey planner with predictive travel information for smart city routing services
A Amrani, K Pasini, M Khouadjia
2020 Forum on Integrated and Sustainable Transportation Systems (FISTS), 304-308, 2020
Préparation des données et analyse des résultats de DEFT’05
E Alphonse, A Amrani, J Azé, T Heitz, AD Mezaour, M Roche
TALN 2005-Atelier DEFT’05 2, 95-97, 2005
Analyzing the fast-charging potential for electric vehicles with local photovoltaic power production in French suburban highway network
A Mourad, M Hennebel, A Amrani, AB Hamida
Energies 14 (9), 2428, 2021
Architecture of a public transport supervision system using hybridization models based on real and predictive data
A Amrani, H Arezki, D Lellouche, V Gazeau, C Fillol, O Allali, T Lacroix
2020 23rd Euromicro Conference on Digital System Design (DSD), 440-446, 2020
Inductive improvement of Part-of-Speech tagging and its effect on a terminology of molecular biology
A Amrani, M Roche, Y Kodratoff, O Matte-Tailliez
Advances in Artificial Intelligence: 18th Conference of the Canadian Society …, 2005
A multi-criteria multi-modal predictive trip planner: application on Paris metropolitan network
P Benchimol, A Amrani, M Khouadjia
2021 IEEE International Smart Cities Conference (ISC2), 1-4, 2021
Designing a data visualisation and analysis tool for supporting decision-making with public transportation network
F Vallet, M Khouadjia, A Amrani, J Pouzet
Proceedings of the Design Society 1, 1093-1102, 2021
Deploying Fast-charging Stations for Electric Vehicles Based on Mobility Flows and Local Photovoltaic Production
A Mourad, M Hennebel, A Amrani, AB Hamida
2020 17th International Conference on the European Energy Market (EEM), 1-6, 2020
Logiciel d'aide à l'étiquetage morpho-syntaxique de textes de spécialité.
A Amrani, J Azé, Y Kodratoff
EGC, 673-678, 2005
Man-Machine Cooperation in Retrieving Knowledge from Technical Texts
Y Kodratoff, A Dimulescu, A Amrani
AAAI 2005 Symposium on Mixed-Initiative Problem-Solving Assistants: 2005, 2005
Predictive multimodal trip planner: A new generation of urban routing services
A Amrani, K Pasini, M Khouadjia
TRANSITDATA2019 5th International Workshop and Symposium, 2019
DebiAI: Open-Source Toolkit for Data Analysis, Visualisation and Evaluation in Machine Learning
T Mansion, R Braud, A Amrani, S Chaouche, F Adjed, L Cantat
ICAS 2024, 2024
Scaling time-dependent origin-destination matrix using growth factor model
F Asgari, A Amrani, M Khouadjia
2021 International Symposium on Computer Science and Intelligent Controls …, 2021
Outil de visualisation pour l’analyse du trafic et des flux voyageurs dans un réseau de transport multimodal
F Vallet, A Amrani, Y Briand, M Khouadjia
48ème Congrès ATEC ITS France, 2021
Integration and Evaluation of Deep Reinforcement Learning Controller in a Building Co-Simulation Environment
A Amrani, R Kaddah, JP Tavella, M Schumann
Building Simulation and Optimization (BSO-V 2020), 2020
Induction de règles de correction pour l’étiquetage morphosyntaxique de la littérature de biologie en utilisant l’apprentissage actif
A Amrani, Y Kodratoff, O Matte-Tailliez
Actes de la 12ème conférence sur le Traitement Automatique des Langues …, 2005
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