mohamed khemissi babouri
mohamed khemissi babouri
Mechanics and Structures Laboratory (LMS)
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Rolling bearing fault detection using a hybrid method based on empirical mode decomposition and optimized wavelet multi-resolution analysis
A Djebala, MK Babouri, N Ouelaa
The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology 79 (9), 2093-2105, 2015
CEEMDAN and OWMRA as a hybrid method for rolling bearing fault diagnosis under variable speed
ML Bouhalais, A Djebala, N Ouelaa, MK Babouri
The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology 94 (5), 2475-2489, 2018
Experimental study of tool life transition and wear monitoring in turning operation using a hybrid method based on wavelet multi-resolution analysis and empirical mode …
MK Babouri, N Ouelaa, A Djebala
The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology 82, 2017-2028, 2016
Comparative study between cyclostationary analysis, EMD, and CEEMDAN for the vibratory diagnosis of rotating machines in industrial environment
K Tarek, D Abderrazek, BM Khemissi, DM Cherif, C Lilia, O Nouredine
The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology 109, 2747-2775, 2020
Rolling bearing faults severity classification using a combined approach based on multi-scales principal component analysis and fuzzy technique
MK Babouri, A Djebala, N Ouelaa, B Oudjani, R Younes
The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology 107 (9), 4301 …, 2020
Diagnosis of mechanical defects using a hybrid method based on complete ensemble empirical mode decomposition with adaptive noise (CEEMDAN) and optimized wavelet multi …
MK Babouri, N Ouelaa, T Kebabsa, A Djebala
The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology 112 (9), 2657 …, 2021
Application of the empirical mode decomposition method for the prediction of the tool wear in turning operation
BM KHEMISSI, N Ouelaa, A Djebala
Mechanics 23 (2), 315-320, 2017
Prediction of tool wear in the turning process using the spectral center of gravity
MK Babouri, N Ouelaa, MC Djamaa, A Djebala, N Hamzaoui
Journal of Failure Analysis and Prevention 17, 905-913, 2017
Application of the cyclostationarity analysis in the detection of mechanical defects: comparative study
MK Babouri, N Ouelaa, T Kebabsa, A Djebala
The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology 103, 1681-1699, 2019
Temporal and frequential analysis of the tools wear evolution
MK Babouri, N Ouelaa, A Djebala
Mechanics 20 (2), 205-212, 2014
Identification de l'évolution de l'usure d'un outil de tournage basée sur l'analyse des efforts de coupe et des vibrations
MK Babouri, N Ouelaa, A Djebala
Synthèse: Revue des Sciences et de la Technologie 24, 123-134, 2015
Prediction of cutting tool’s optimal lifespan based on the scalar indicators and the wavelet multi-resolution analysis
MK Babouri, N Ouelaa, A Djebala, MC Djamaa, S Boucherit
Applied Mechanics, Behavior of Materials, and Engineering Systems: Selected …, 2017
Application de l'Analyse Multirésolution en Ondelettes Pour la Prédiction de l'Usure des Outils de Coupe
MK Babouri, N Ouelaa
10ème Congrès Français d'Acoustique, -, 2010
Surveillance de l'évolution de l'usure d'un outil de coupe en tournage
Advanced diagnostic techniques for turbo compressors: A spectral analysis approach for preventive maintenance
T Kebabsa, MK Babouri, A Djebala, N Ouelaa
Advances in Mechanical Engineering 16 (5), 16878132241252329, 2024
Experimental Investigation of Tool Lifespan Evolution During Turning Operation Based on the New Spectral Indicator OLmod
MK Babouri, N Ouelaa, MC Djamaa, Z Ouelaa, L Chaabi, A Djebala
Journal of Vibration Engineering & Technologies 12 (4), 5455-5473, 2024
Prediction of Optimal Lifetime of the Tool’s Wear in Turning Operation of AISI D3 Steel Based on the a New Spectral Indicator SCG
MK Babouri, N Ouelaa, MC Djamaa, A Djebala, S Boucherit, N Hamzaoui
Computational Methods and Experimental Testing In Mechanical Engineering …, 2019
Diagnosis of mechanical system failures based on the application of cyclostationarity
MK Babouri, T Kebabsa, N Ouelaa
Journal of Vibration Engineering & Technologies 12 (3), 5133-5146, 2024
Analyse vibratoire de l'usure des outils de coupe: Surveillance de l'évolution de l'usure d'un outil de coupe en tournage
MK Babouri, N Ouelaa
Éditions universitaires européennes, 2018
Optimization of a maintenance policy in industrial field: case study
A Djebala, N Ouelaa, MK Babouri
Design and Modeling of Mechanical Systems-II: Proceedings of the Sixth …, 2015
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Articles 1–20