Jordi Pujol Ahulló
Cited by
Cited by
Planetsim: A new overlay network simulation framework
P García, C Pairot, R Mondéjar, J Pujol, H Tejedor, R Rallo
Software Engineering and Middleware: 4th International Workshop, SEM 2004 …, 2005
Cyclone: A novel design schema for hierarchical DHTs
MS Artigas, PG Lopez, JP Ahulló, AFG Skarmeta
Fifth IEEE International Conference on Peer-to-Peer Computing (P2P'05), 49-56, 2005
Study on poll-site voting and verification systems
R Jardí-Cedó, J Pujol-Ahulló, J Castella-Roca, A Viejo
Computers & Security 31 (8), 989-1010, 2012
PlanetSim: An extensible framework for overlay network and services simulations
JP Ahulló, PG López
1st International ICST Conference on Simulation Tools and Techniques for …, 2010
An extensible simulation tool for overlay networks and services
J Pujol-Ahulló, P García-López, M Sànchez-Artigas, M Arrufat-Arias
Proceedings of the 2009 ACM symposium on Applied Computing, 2072-2076, 2009
Planetsim: An extensible simulation tool for peer-to-peer networks and services
J Pujol-Ahullo, P Garcia-Lopez
2009 IEEE Ninth International Conference on Peer-to-Peer Computing, 85-86, 2009
Towards a lightweight content-based publish/subscribe services for peer-to-peer systems
J Pujol-Ahullo, P García-López, AF Gomez-Skarmeta
International journal of grid and utility computing 1 (3), 239-251, 2009
Supporting geographical queries onto DHTs
JP Ahulló, PG Lopez, MS Artigas, AFG Skarmeta
2008 33rd IEEE Conference on Local Computer Networks (LCN), 435-442, 2008
Planetsim: An overlay network simulation framework
UR i Virgili
LightPS: lightweight content-based publish/subscribe for peer-to-peer systems
JP Ahulló, PG López, AFG Skarmeta
2008 International Conference on Complex, Intelligent and Software Intensive …, 2008
Scalability analysis of the TurfNet naming and routing architecture
J Pujol, S Schmid, L Eggert, M Brunner, J Quittek
Proceedings of the 1st ACM workshop on Dynamic interconnection of networks …, 2005
Caps: Content-based publish/subscribe services for peer-to-peer systems
JP Ahulló, PG López, AG Skarmeta
2nd Int. Conf. on Distributed Event-Based Systems, DEBS, 2008
Sistemas multi-agente en entornos P2P
R Mondéjar, J Pujol, P García, C Pairot
Department of Computer Science and Mathematics, Tarragona, España …, 2006
Scalability analysis of the TurfNet internetworking architecture
J Pujol, S Schmid, L Eggert, M Brunner
IEEE GLOBECOM 2007-IEEE Global Telecommunications Conference, 1878-1883, 2007
Enabling portability in advanced information-centric services over structured peer-to-peer systems
J Pujol-Ahulló, P García-López
Journal of network and computer applications 33 (5), 556-568, 2010
p2pWeb: An open, decentralized infrastructure of Web servers for sharing ephemeral Web content
M Sànchez-Artigas, J Pujol-Ahulló, L Pamies-Juarez, P García-López
Computer Networks 54 (12), 1968-1985, 2010
PlanetSim User and developer tutorial
JP Ahulló, RM Andreu, HT Navarro, MS Artigas, PG López, CP Gavaldà
2008-10-20]. http://ants, etse. urv. es/planetsim, 2009
The p2pweb model: a glue for the web
PG Lopez, MS Artigas, JP Ahullo
16th IEEE International Workshops on Enabling Technologies: Infrastructure …, 2007
TTP smartcard-based ElGamal cryptosystem using threshold scheme for electronic elections
J Pujol-Ahulló, R Jardí-Cedó, J Castella-Roca, O Farras
Foundations and Practice of Security: 4th Canada-France MITACS Workshop, FPS …, 2012
Verification Systems for Electronic Voting: A Survey.
JP Ahulló, R Jardí-Cedó, J Castella-Roca
Electronic Voting, 163-177, 2010
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Articles 1–20