Kajsa Hulthén
Kajsa Hulthén
Professor of Supply Chain Management at Chalmers University of Technology
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Trade-offs in supply chain transparency: the case of Nudie Jeans Co
N Egels-Zandén, K Hulthén, G Wulff
Journal of Cleaner Production 107, 95-104, 2015
Supply chains and interdependence: a theoretical analysis
A Dubois, K Hulthén, AC Pedersen
Journal of Purchasing and Supply management 10 (1), 3-9, 2004
Improving logistics outsourcing through increasing buyer–provider interaction
LE Gadde, K Hulthén
Industrial Marketing Management 38 (6), 633-640, 2009
Reorganizing construction logistics for improved performance
V Sundquist, LE Gadde, K Hulthén
Construction management and economics 36 (1), 49-65, 2018
Organising logistics and transport activities in construction
A Dubois, K Hulthén, V Sundquist
The international journal of logistics management 30 (2), 620-640, 2019
The changing role of middlemen—Strategic responses to distribution dynamics
R Olsson, LE Gadde, K Hulthén
Industrial Marketing Management 42 (7), 1131-1140, 2013
Renewal in construction projects: tracing effects of client requirements
MI Havenvid, K Hulthén, Å Linné, V Sundquist
Construction management and economics 34 (11), 790-807, 2016
Variety in distribution networks: a transvection analysis
K Hulthén
Chalmers tekniska högsk., 2002
Understanding thenew'distribution reality throughold'concepts: A renaissance for transvection and sorting
K Hulthén, LE Gadde
Marketing Theory 7 (2), 184-207, 2007
From project partnering towards strategic supplier partnering
V Sundquist, K Hulthén, LE Gadde
Engineering, construction and architectural management 25 (3), 358-373, 2018
Opportunism or strategic opportunity seeking? Three approaches to emerging country sourcing
N Najafi, A Dubois, K Hulthén
Journal of Purchasing and Supply Management 19 (1), 49-57, 2013
The transport service triad: a key unit of analysis
D Andersson, A Dubois, V Eriksson, K Hulthén, AM Holma
Journal of business & industrial marketing 34 (1), 253-266, 2019
Transportation as a loosely coupled system: a fundamental challenge for sustainable freight transportation
M Browne, A Dubois, K Hulthén
International Journal of Sustainable Transportation 17 (7), 804-814, 2023
Consolidation through resourcing in last-mile logistics
J Hagberg, K Hulthén
Research in Transportation Business & Management 45, 100834, 2022
Economic consequences of alternative make-or-buy configurations
V Sundquist, K Hulthén, LE Gadde
Industrial Marketing Management 46, 98-107, 2015
Logistics outsourcing and the role of logistics service providers from an industrial network perspective
LE Gadde, K Hulthén
Proceedings of the 24th IMP-Conference, Uppsala university, September 4-6, 2008
Interdependence within and among supply chain
A Dubois, K Hulthén, AC Pedersen
12th International IPSERA Conference–Budapest, 2003
E-commerce packaging as an embedded resource in three network settings
S Brüel Grönberg, K Hulthén
The International Review of Retail, Distribution and Consumer Research 32 (4 …, 2022
Improving transport performance in supply networks: effects of (non) overlapping network horizons
V Eriksson, K Hulthén, AC Pedersen
Journal of Business & Industrial Marketing 36 (10), 1767-1779, 2021
The role of public actors in construction logistics: Effects on and of relational interfaces
V Eriksson, K Hulthén, V Sundquist, A Fredriksson, M Janné
Construction Management and Economics 39 (10), 791-806, 2021
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