Pierleone lucatelli
Pierleone lucatelli
Sapienza università di Roma
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Cited by
Calcium burden assessment and impact on drug-eluting balloons in peripheral arterial disease
F Fanelli, A Cannavale, M Gazzetti, P Lucatelli, A Wlderk, C Cirelli, ...
Cardiovascular and interventional radiology 37, 898-907, 2014
Lower limb multilevel treatment with drug-eluting balloons: 6-month results from the DEBELLUM randomized trial
F Fanelli, A Cannavale, E Boatta, M Corona, P Lucatelli, A Wlderk, ...
Journal of Endovascular Therapy 19 (5), 571-580, 2012
Management of refractory hepatic encephalopathy after insertion of TIPS: long-term results of shunt reduction with hourglass-shaped balloon-expandable stent-graft
F Fanelli, FM Salvatori, P Rabuffi, E Boatta, O Riggio, P Lucatelli, ...
American Journal of Roentgenology 193 (6), 1696-1702, 2009
The" DEBELLUM"--lower limb multilevel treatment with drug eluting balloon--randomized trial: 1-year results.
F Fanelli, A Cannavale, M Corona, P Lucatelli, A Wlderk, FM Salvatori
The Journal of cardiovascular surgery 55 (2), 207-216, 2014
Imaging of the carotid artery
L Saba, M Anzidei, R Sanfilippo, R Montisci, P Lucatelli, C Catalano, ...
Atherosclerosis 220 (2), 294-309, 2012
Endovascular repair of acute and chronic aortic type B dissections: main factors affecting aortic remodeling and clinical outcome
F Fanelli, A Cannavale, GJ O’Sullivan, M Gazzetti, C Cirelli, P Lucatelli, ...
JACC: Cardiovascular Interventions 9 (2), 183-191, 2016
CIRSE standards of practice on hepatic transarterial chemoembolisation
P Lucatelli, M Burrel, B Guiu, G de Rubeis, O van Delden, T Helmberger
Cardiovascular and interventional radiology 44, 1851-1867, 2021
Retrograde popliteal access in the supine patient for recanalization of the superficial femoral artery: initial results
F Fanelli, P Lucatelli, M Allegritti, M Corona, P Rossi, R Passariello
Journal of Endovascular Therapy 18 (4), 503-509, 2011
Heritability of central blood pressure and arterial stiffness: a twin study
AD Tarnoki, DL Tarnoki, MA Stazi, E Medda, R Cotichini, L Nisticò, ...
Journal of hypertension 30 (8), 1564-1571, 2012
Association of body mass index with arterial stiffness and blood pressure components: a twin study
AD Tarnoki, DL Tarnoki, LH Bogl, E Medda, C Fagnani, L Nisticò, ...
Atherosclerosis 229 (2), 388-395, 2013
Standard “off-the-shelf” multibranched thoracoabdominal endograft in urgent and elective patients with single and staged procedures in a multicenter experience
R Silingardi, S Gennai, N Leone, M Gargiulo, G Faggioli, P Cao, F Verzini, ...
Journal of Vascular Surgery 67 (4), 1005-1016, 2018
Review of imaging biomarkers for the vulnerable carotid plaque
L Saba, N Agarwal, R Cau, C Gerosa, R Sanfilippo, M Porcu, R Montisci, ...
JVS-vascular Science 2, 149-158, 2021
Development of a prediction model and risk score for procedure-related complications in patients undergoing percutaneous computed tomography-guided lung biopsy
M Anzidei, B Sacconi, F Fraioli, L Saba, P Lucatelli, A Napoli, F Longo, ...
European Journal of Cardio-Thoracic Surgery 48 (1), e1-e6, 2015
Minimally invasive treatment of gastric leak after sleeve gastrectomy Trattamento minimamente invasivo delle fistole gastriche dopo sleeve gastrectomy
M Corona, C Zini, M Allegritti, E Boatta, P Lucatelli, A Cannavale
Radiol Med 118, 962-70, 2013
Evidence for a strong genetic influence on carotid plaque characteristics: an international twin study
AD Tarnoki, C Baracchini, DL Tarnoki, P Lucatelli, E Boatta, C Zini, ...
Stroke 43 (12), 3168-3172, 2012
Heritability of arterial stiffness and carotid intima-media thickness: an Italian twin study
E Medda, C Fagnani, G Schillaci, AD Tarnoki, DL Tarnoki, C Baracchini, ...
Nutrition, Metabolism and Cardiovascular Diseases 24 (5), 511-517, 2014
Balloon-occluded transcatheter arterial chemoembolization (b-TACE) for hepatocellular carcinoma performed with polyethylene-glycol epirubicin-loaded drug-eluting embolics …
P Lucatelli, L Ginnani Corradini, G De Rubeis, B Rocco, F Basilico, ...
Cardiovascular and Interventional Radiology 42, 853-862, 2019
Hepatocellular carcinoma with macrovascular invasion treated with yttrium-90 radioembolization prior to transplantation
GBL Sandri, GM Ettorre, M Colasanti, E De Werra, G Mascianà, D Ferraro, ...
Hepatobiliary Surgery and Nutrition 6 (1), 44, 2017
The multidetector computed tomography angiography (MDCTA) in the diagnosis of splenic artery aneurysm and pseudoaneurysm
L Saba, M Anzidei, P Lucatelli, G Mallarini
Acta radiologica 52 (5), 488-498, 2011
Hepatic encephalopathy in patients with non-cirrhotic portal hypertension: description, prevalence and risk factors
V Nicoletti, S Gioia, P Lucatelli, S Nardelli, C Pasquale, SN Sobrinho, ...
Digestive and Liver Disease 48 (9), 1072-1077, 2016
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Articles 1–20