Mohamed Ayoub NEGGAZ
Cited by
Cited by
A reliability study on CNNs for critical embedded systems
MA Neggaz, I Alouani, PR Lorenzo, S Niar
2018 IEEE 36th International Conference on Computer Design (ICCD), 476-479, 2018
Are cnns reliable enough for critical applications? an exploratory study
MA Neggaz, I Alouani, S Niar, F Kurdahi
IEEE Design & Test 37 (2), 76-83, 2019
SPEChpc 2021 benchmark suites for modern HPC systems
J Li, A Bobyr, S Boehm, W Brantley, H Brunst, A Cavelan, ...
Companion of the 2022 ACM/SPEC International Conference on Performance …, 2022
Rapid in-memory matrix multiplication using associative processor
MA Neggaz, HE Yantır, S Niar, A Eltawil, F Kurdahi
2018 Design, Automation & Test in Europe Conference & Exhibition (DATE), 985-990, 2018
Efficient acceleration of computation using associative in-memory processing
HE Yantir
University of California, Irvine, 2018
Computational and communication reduction technique in machine learning based near sensor applications
MA Neggaz, S Niar, F Kurdahi
2018 30th International Conference on Microelectronics (ICM), 68-71, 2018
Hierarchical platform for autonomous driving
H Ouarnoughi, M Neggaz, B Gulcan, O Ozturk, S Niar
Proceedings of the INTelligent Embedded Systems Architectures and …, 2019
Road extraction and object recognition for autonomous cars
S Niar, MY Lachachi, MA Neggaz, I Alouani, HE Yantir, F Kurdahi, ...
Workshop on New Platforms for Future Cars: Current and Emerging Trends (in …, 2018
Accélérateurs Matériels pour l'Intelligence Artificielle. Etude de Cas: Voitures Autonomes
MA Neggaz
Valenciennes, Université Polytechnique Hauts-de-France, 2020
Hardware Accelerators for Machine Learning Applications. Case Study: Autonomous Vehicles
MA Neggaz
Université Polytechnique Hauts-de-France, 2020
A New Storage-Less Hardware Compression Technique for Convolution Neural Networks Using Constant Multiplication.
MA Neggaz, I Alouani, S Niar, F Kurdahi
WAICA: Workshop on Artificial Intelligence and Computer Architecture in …, 2020
A New Storage-Less Hardware Compression Technique for CNNs
MA Neggaz, I Alouani, S Niar, F Kurdahi
Workshop on Artificial Intelligence and Computer Architecture Co-located …, 2020
Hierarchical Collborative Platform for Autonomous Driving.
H Ouarnoughi, MA Neggaz, B Gulcan, Ö Özturk, S Niar
Workshop on INTelligent Embedded Systems Architectures and Applications …, 2019
A Fully Automated Brain Tumor Segmentation in 3D-MRI using Symmetry Analysis of brain and Geodesic Level Sets
FZ Adel KERMI, Mohamed Ayoub NEGGAZ, Khaled ANDJOUH
The 2nd International Conference on Pattern Analysis and Intelligent Systems …, 2016
Segmentation et annotation des structures anatomiques et des tumeurs cérébrales dans des IRM-3D de têtes d’individus.
Ecole Nationale Supérieure d'informatique, 0
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Articles 1–15