Ahmed A. Elsayed
Ahmed A. Elsayed
Faculty of Engineering - Ain Shams University
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A microfluidic chip enables fast analysis of water microplastics by optical spectroscopy
AA Elsayed, M Erfan, YM Sabry, R Dris, J Gaspéri, JS Barbier, F Marty, ...
Scientific reports 11 (1), 10533, 2021
Optical modeling of black silicon using an effective medium/multi-layer approach
AA Elsayed, YM Sabry, F Marty, T Bourouina, D Khalil
Optics Express 26 (10), 13443-13460, 2018
Deep learning‐enabled imaging flow cytometry for high‐speed Cryptosporidium and Giardia detection
S Luo, KT Nguyen, BTT Nguyen, S Feng, Y Shi, A Elsayed, Y Zhang, ...
Cytometry Part A 99 (11), 1123-1133, 2021
Environmental mid-infrared gas sensing using MEMS FTIR spectrometer
M Erfan, AA Elsayed, YM Sabry, B Mortada, K Sharaf, D Khalil
MOEMS and Miniaturized Systems XVI 10116, 139-144, 2017
On the environmental gas sensing using MEMS FTIR spectrometer in the near-infrared region
AA Elsayed, M Sakr, M Erfan, YM Sabry, D Khalil
2016 33rd National Radio Science Conference (NRSC), 348-355, 2016
Nir and mir absorption of ultra-black silicon (UBS). Application to high emissivity, all-silicon, light source
S Sarkar, AA Elsayed, E Nefzaoui, J Drévillon, P Basset, F Marty, M Anwar, ...
2019 IEEE 32nd International Conference on Micro Electro Mechanical Systems …, 2019
MEMS FTIR optical spectrometer enables detection of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) in part-per-billion (ppb) range for air quality monitoring
A Fathy, YM Sabry, M Amr, M Gnambodoe-Capo-chichi, M Anwar, ...
MOEMS and Miniaturized Systems XVIII 10931, 69-75, 2019
Black silicon revisited as an ultrabroadband perfect infrared absorber over 20 μm wavelength range
S Sarkar, AA Elsayed, YM Sabry, F Marty, J Drévillon, X Liu, Z Liang, ...
Advanced Photonics Research 4 (2), 2200223, 2023
Detection of Sub-20 μm Microplastic Particles by Attenuated Total Reflection Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy and Comparison with Raman Spectroscopy
AM Othman, AA Elsayed, YM Sabry, D Khalil, T Bourouina
ACS omega 8 (11), 10335-10341, 2023
Optical diffuse reflectance of Black Silicon and its isotropicity
AA Elsayed, YM Sabry, D Khalil, F Marty, T Bourouina
2016 URSI Asia-Pacific Radio Science Conference (URSI AP-RASC), 1944-1946, 2016
Effects of doping on the morphology and infrared radiative properties of black silicon
S Sarkar, AA Elsayed, F Marty, J Drévillon, YM Sabry, J Zhao, Y Yu, ...
2019 25th International Workshop on Thermal Investigations of ICs and …, 2019
Ring-patterned plasmonic photonic crystal thermal light source for miniaturized near-infrared spectrometers
SR Labib, AA Elsayed, YM Sabry, D Khalil
Silicon Photonics XIII 10537, 173-179, 2018
Enhanced Wide-band Infrared Absorptivity of Black Silicon
S Sarkar, AA Elsayed, F Marty, J Drevillon, YM Sabry, J Zhao, Y Yu, ...
Congrès Annuel de la Société Française de Thermique 2020, 2020
Mid-infrared radiation source for spectroscopic applications based on multi-walled carbon nanotubes on top of silicon
A Saeed, AA Elsayed, F Marty, E Nefzaoui, T Bourouina, HA Shawkey, ...
Nanophotonics VIII 11345, 105-110, 2020
Multi-walled carbon nanotubes based near-infrared radiation source
A Saeed, AA Elsayed, F Marty, E Nefzaoui, T Bourouina, HA Shawkey, ...
MOEMS and miniaturized systems XIX 11293, 156-161, 2020
Substrate signal inhibition in Raman analysis of microplastic particles
AA Elsayed, AM Othman, YM Sabry, F Marty, H Omran, D Khalil, AQ Liu, ...
ACS omega 8 (11), 9854-9860, 2023
Absorptivity enhancement of black silicon using electroless Cu plating
A Khaled, M Hussein, AA Elsayed, F Marty, E Nefzaoui, T Bourouina, ...
Silicon Photonics XV 11285, 276-282, 2020
Deep learning-enabled imaging flow cytometry for high-speed
S Luo, KT Nguyen, BTT Nguyen, S Feng, Y Shi, A Elsayed, Y Zhang, ...
Traitement d’images à haute cadence de microparticules contaminants de l’eau
EE Paris, E Dokladalova, T Bourouina, T entreprise Erganeo, A Elsayed
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Articles 1–19