How useful are the genetic markers in attempts to understand and manage marine biodiversity? JP Féral Journal of experimental marine biology and ecology 268 (2), 121-145, 2002 | 316 | 2002 |
Implementing and innovating marine monitoring approaches for assessing marine environmental status R Danovaro, L Carugati, M Berzano, AE Cahill, S Carvalho, A Chenuil, ... Frontiers in Marine Science 3, 213, 2016 | 247 | 2016 |
From global to local genetic structuring in the red gorgonian Paramuricea clavata: the interplay between oceanographic conditions and limited larval dispersal K MOKHTAR‐JAMAÏ, M Pascual, JB Ledoux, R Coma, JP Féral, ... Molecular ecology 20 (16), 3291-3305, 2011 | 164 | 2011 |
Evolutionary versus ecological success in Antarctic benthic invertebrates E Poulin, AT Palma, JP Féral Trends in Ecology & Evolution 17 (5), 218-222, 2002 | 164 | 2002 |
Pleistocene separation of mitochondrial lineages of Mytilus spp. mussels from Northern and Southern Hemispheres and strong genetic differentiation among southern populations K Gérard, N Bierne, P Borsa, A Chenuil, JP Féral Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 49 (1), 84-91, 2008 | 157 | 2008 |
Fine‐scale genetic structure and inferences on population biology in the threatened Mediterranean red coral, Corallium rubrum JB Ledoux, J Garrabou, O Bianchimani, P Drap, JP Féral, D Aurelle Molecular ecology 19 (19), 4204-4216, 2010 | 139 | 2010 |
Why are there so many species of brooding Antarctic echinoids? É Poulin, JP Féral Evolution 50 (2), 820-830, 1996 | 125 | 1996 |
Food web indicators under the Marine Strategy Framework Directive: from complexity to simplicity? I Rombouts, G Beaugrand, X Fizzala, F Gaill, SPR Greenstreet, S Lamare, ... Ecological Indicators 29, 246-254, 2013 | 120 | 2013 |
Evolutionary pathways among shallow and deep-sea echinoids of the genus Sterechinus in the Southern Ocean A Díaz, JP Féral, B David, T Saucède, E Poulin Deep Sea Research Part II: Topical Studies in Oceanography 58 (1-2), 205-211, 2011 | 107 | 2011 |
Genetic survey of shallow populations of the Mediterranean red coral [Corallium rubrum (Linnaeus, 1758)]: new insights into evolutionary processes shaping … JB Ledoux, K MOKHTAR‐JAMAÏ, C Roby, JP Féral, J Garrabou, D Aurelle Molecular ecology 19 (4), 675-690, 2010 | 107 | 2010 |
Digestive systems: holothuroidea JP Feral, C Massin Echinoderm nutrition, 191-212, 2020 | 101 | 2020 |
Defining reproductively isolated units in a cryptic and syntopic species complex using mitochondrial and nuclear markers: the brooding brittle star, Amphipholis squamata … E Boissin, JP Féral, A Chenuil Molecular Ecology 17 (7), 1732-1744, 2008 | 93 | 2008 |
A comparative analysis of metabarcoding and morphology‐based identification of benthic communities across different regional seas AE Cahill, JK Pearman, A Borja, L Carugati, S Carvalho, R Danovaro, ... Ecology and Evolution 8 (17), 8908-8920, 2018 | 83 | 2018 |
I–Executive Summary of CIESM workshop climate warming and related changes in Mediterranean marine biota F Boero, JP Féral, E Azzurro, V Cardin, B Riedel, M Despalatovic, I Munda, ... CIESM workshop monographs 35, 5-21, 2008 | 74 | 2008 |
Is the species flock concept operational? The Antarctic shelf case G Lecointre, N Améziane, MC Boisselier, C Bonillo, F Busson, R Causse, ... PloS one 8 (8), e68787, 2013 | 67 | 2013 |
Phylogeography of the red coral (Corallium rubrum): inferences on the evolutionary history of a temperate gorgonian D Aurelle, JB Ledoux, C Rocher, P Borsa, A Chenuil, JP Féral Genetica 139, 855-869, 2011 | 63 | 2011 |
Molecular and morphological evidence of Alvinellidae relationships (Terebelliformia, Polychaeta, Annelida) V Rousset, GW Rouse, JP Féral, D Desbruyères, F Pleijel Zoologica Scripta 32 (2), 185-197, 2003 | 58 | 2003 |
An integrated method to evaluate and monitor the conservation state of coralligenous habitats: The INDEX-COR approach S Sartoretto, T Schohn, CN Bianchi, C Morri, J Garrabou, E Ballesteros, ... Marine pollution bulletin 120 (1-2), 222-231, 2017 | 57 | 2017 |
Marine biodiversity and ecosystem functioning C Heip, H Hummel, P Van Avesaath, W Appeltans, C Arvanitidis, ... Printbase, 2009 | 56 | 2009 |
Combined ecological factors permit classification of developmental patterns in benthic marine invertebrates: a discussion note E Poulin, S Boletzky, JP Feral Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 257 (1), 109-115, 2001 | 54 | 2001 |