Davide Magagna
Cited by
Cited by
Wave and tidal current energy – A review of the current state of research beyond technology
A Uihlein, Magagna, Davide
Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 58, 1070–1081, 2016
Ocean energy development in Europe: Current status and future perspectives
D Magagna, A Uihlein
International Journal of Marine Energy 11, 84-104, 2015
Wave overtopping at vertical and steep seawalls
W Allsop, T Bruce, J Pearson, P Besley
Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers-Maritime Engineering 158 …, 2005
ETRI 2014—Energy technology reference indicator projections for 2010–2050
J Carlsson, M Fortes, G de Marco, J Giuntoli, M Jakubcionis, ...
European Commission, Joint Research Centre, Institute for Energy and …, 2014
JRC ocean energy status report
D Magagna, A Uihlein
Institute for Energy and Transport, doi 10, 866387, 2015
JRC ocean energy status report 2016 edition
D Magagna, R Monfardini, A Uihlein
Publications Office of the European Union: Luxembourg, 2016
Overview of European innovation activities in marine energy technology
TD Corsatea, D Magagna
JRC Science and Policy Reports, 1-76, 2013
The consumptive water footprint of the European Union energy sector
D Vanham, H Medarac, JF Schyns, RJ Hogeboom, D Magagna
Environmental Research Letters 14 (10), 104016, 2019
Wave and tidal energy strategic technology agenda
D Magagna, A MacGillivray, H Jeffrey, C Hanmer, A Raventos, ...
Si Ocean 44, 1-44, 2014
Review of consenting processes for ocean energy in selected European Union Member States
T Simas, AM O’Hagan, J O’Callaghan, S Hamawi, D Magagna, I Bailey, ...
International Journal of Marine Energy 9, 41-59, 2015
Ocean energy technology: gaps and barriers
A MacGillivray, H Jeffrey, C Hanmer, D Magagna, A Raventos, ...
Si Ocean, 2013
Surface tension effects on energy dissipation by small scale, experimental breaking waves
D Stagonas, D Warbrick, G Muller, D Magagna
Coastal Engineering 58 (9), 826-836, 2011
Assessing the impacts of technology improvements on the deployment of marine energy in Europe with an energy system perspective
A Sgobbi, SG Simoes, D Magagna, W Nijs
Renewable Energy 89, 515-525, 2016
2014 JRC ocean energy status report
D Magagna, A Uihlein
European Commission Joint Research Centre, 2015
Environmental Impact Assessment: Gathering experiences from wave energy test centres in Europe
D Greaves, D Conley, D Magagna, E Aires, JC Leitão, M Witt, CB Embling, ...
International Journal of Marine Energy 14, 68-79, 2016
Water: energy nexus in Europe
M Adamovic, B Bisselink, M De Felice, A De Roo, C Dorati, D Ganora, ...
Publications Office of the European Union, 2019
Projected fresh water use from the European energy sector
H Medarac, D Magagna, I Hidalgo Gonzalez
Disaggregated Fresh Water Withdrawal and Consumption in the EU up to 2050, 2018
The EU blue economy report 2021
A Addamo, A Calvo Santos, N Carvalho, J Guillén, D Magagna, S Neehus, ...
Publications Office of the European Union: Luxembourg, 2021
JRC Ocean energy status report—Technology, market and economic aspects of ocean energy in Europe
D Magagna, A Uihlein
European Commission, Brussels, 2015
Ocean Energy-Technology Development Report 2020
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Articles 1–20