Brice Anselme
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Assessment of groundwater risk using intrinsic vulnerability and hazard mapping: application to Souassi aquifer, Tunisian Sahel
S Saidi, S Bouri, HB Dhia, B Anselme
Agricultural Water Management 98 (10), 1671-1682, 2011
A GIS-based susceptibility indexing method for irrigation and drinking water management planning: Application to Chebba–Mellouleche Aquifer, Tunisia
S Saidi, S Bouri, HB Dhia, B Anselme
Agricultural Water Management 96 (12), 1683-1690, 2009
Participatory simulation to foster social learning on coastal flooding prevention
N Becu, M Amalric, B Anselme, E Beck, X Bertin, E Delay, N Long, ...
Environmental modelling & software 98, 1-11, 2017
Coastal environments of the western Kara and eastern Barents Seas
SL Pfirman, J Kogeler, B Anselme
Deep Sea Research Part II: Topical Studies in Oceanography 42 (6), 1391-1412, 1995
Modelling of spatial dynamics and biodiversity conservation on Lure mountain (France)
B Anselme, F Bousquet, A Lyet, M Etienne, B Fady, C Le Page
Environmental Modelling & Software 25 (11), 1385-1398, 2010
Coastal flooding hazard related to swell events in Cartagena de Indias, Colombia
CA Andrade, YF Thomas, AN Lerma, P Durand, B Anselme
Journal of Coastal Research 29 (5), 1126-1136, 2013
GIS-based multi-criteria analysis and vulnerability method for the potential groundwater recharge delineation, case study of Manouba phreatic aquifer, NE Tunisia
S Saidi, S Hosni, H Mannai, F Jelassi, S Bouri, B Anselme
Environmental Earth Sciences 76, 1-20, 2017
L’impact de l’ouverture de la brèche dans la langue de Barbarie à Saint-Louis du Sénégal en 2003: un changement de nature de l’aléa inondation?
P Durand, B Anselme, YF Thomas
Cybergeo: European Journal of Geography, 2010
The common language of speech perception and action: a neurocognitive perspective
JL Schwartz, M Sato, L Fadiga
Revue française de linguistique appliquée 13 (2), 9-22, 2008
Storm extreme levels and coastal flood hazards: A parametric approach on the French coast of Languedoc (district of Leucate)
B Anselme, P Durand, YF Thomas, A Nicolae-Lerma
Comptes Rendus. Géoscience 343 (10), 677-690, 2011
Perception of the risk of tsunami in a context of high-level risk assessment and management: the case of the fjord Lyngen in Norway
L Goeldner-Gianella, D Grancher, Ø Robertsen, B Anselme, D Brunstein, ...
Geoenvironmental Disasters 4, 1-15, 2017
High-resolution marine flood modelling coupling overflow and overtopping processes: Framing the hazard based on historical and statistical approaches
AN Lerma, T Bulteau, S Elineau, F Paris, P Durand, B Anselme, ...
Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences 18 (1), 207-229, 2018
Sensibiliser au risque de submersion marine par le jeu ou faut-il qu’un jeu soit spatialement réaliste pour être efficace?
M Amalric, B Anselme, N Bécu, E Delay, N Marilleau, C Pignon, ...
Sciences du jeu, 2017
Participatory simulation of coastal flooding: building social learning on prevention measures with decision-makers
N Becu, M Amalric, B Anselme, E Beck, X Bertin, E Delay, N Long, ...
Le risque de submersion dans le système lagunaire de La Palme (Languedoc, France): nature de l'aléa et perception du risque
B Anselme, L Goeldner-Gianella, P Durand
Colloque international pluridisciplinaire, Les littoraux: subir, dire et agir, 0, 2008
LittoSIM-GEN: A generic platform of coastal flooding management for participatory simulation
A Laatabi, N Becu, N Marilleau, M Amalric, C Pignon-Mussaud, ...
Environmental Modelling & Software 149, 105319, 2022
Impacts de l’élévation du niveau marin sur l’évolution future d’un marais maritime endigué: le domaine de Graveyron, bassin d’Arcachon (France)
B Anselme, P Durand, L Goeldner-Gianella, F Bertrand
VertigO-la revue électronique en sciences de l'environnement 8 (1), 2008
Coastal flood risk: improving operational response, a case study on the municipality of Leucate, Languedoc, France
P Durand, B Anselme, S Defossez, S Elineau, M Gherardi, ...
Geoenvironmental Disasters 5, 1-17, 2018
A GIS-remote sensing approach for forest fire risk assessment: case of Bizerte region, Tunisia
S Saidi, AB Younes, B Anselme
Applied Geomatics 13 (4), 587-603, 2021
GIS based multi-criteria analysis for flood risk assessment: Case of manouba essijoumi basin, NE Tunisia
S Saidi, A Ghattassi, B Anselme, S Bouri
Advances in Remote Sensing and Geo Informatics Applications: Proceedings of …, 2019
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