Pierre Rust
Pierre Rust
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Using Message-Passing DCOP Algorithms to Solve Energy-Efficient Smart Environment Configuration Problems.
P Rust, G Picard, F Ramparany
IJCAI, 468-474, 2016
On Reducing the Energy Consumption of Software: From Hurdles to Requirements
Z Ournani, R Rouvoy, P Rust, J Penhoat
Proceedings of the 14th ACM/IEEE International Symposium on Empirical …, 2020
Evaluating the Impact of Java Virtual Machines on Energy Consumption
Z Ournani, MC Belgaid, R Rouvoy, P Rust, J Penhoat
Proceedings of the 15th ACM/IEEE International Symposium on Empirical …, 2021
Taming Energy Consumption Variations in Systems Benchmarking
Z Ournani, MC Belgaid, R Rouvoy, P Rust, J Penhoat, L Seinturier
International Conference on Performance Engineering (ICPE), 2020
Uncovering the Environmental Impact of Software Life Cycle
T Simon, P Rust, R Rouvoy, J Penhoat
2023 International Conference on ICT for Sustainability (ICT4S), 176-187, 2023
Tales from the code# 1: The effective impact of code refactorings on software energy consumption
Z Ournani, R Rouvoy, P Rust, J Penhoat
ICSOFT 2021-16th International Conference on Software Technologies, 2021
On the deployment of factor graph elements to operate max-sum in dynamic ambient environments
P Rust, G Picard, F Ramparany
Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems: AAMAS 2017 Workshops, Best Papers …, 2017
Resilient distributed constraint optimization in physical multi-agent systems
P Rust, G Picard, F Ramparany
ECAI 2020, 195-202, 2020
Self-Organized and Resilient Distribution of Decisions over Dynamic Multi-Agent Systems
P Rust, G Picard, F Ramparany
International Workshop on Optimisation in Multi-Agent Systems (OPTMAS), 16p, 2018
pyDCOP, a DCOP library for IoT and dynamic systems
P Rust, G Picard, F Ramparany
International Workshop on Optimisation in Multi-Agent Systems (OptMAS@ AAMAS …, 2019
PowerAPI: A Python framework for building software-defined power meters
G Fieni, DR Acero, P Rust, R Rouvoy
Journal of Open Source Software 9 (98), 6670, 2024
Installing Resilience in Distributed Constraint Optimization Operated by Physical Multi-Agent Systems
P Rust, G Picard, F Ramparany
Proceedings of the 18th International Conference on Autonomous Agents and …, 2019
pyDCOP: a DCOP library for Dynamic IoT Systems
P Rust, G Picard, F Ramparany
International Workshop on Optimisation in Multi-Agent Systems, 2019
Mise en place d'une décision collective résiliente sur une infrastructure iot à l'aide du framework pydcop
P Rust, G Picard, F Ramparany
26èmes Journées Francophones sur les Systèmes Multi-Agents (JFSMA 2018), 2018
Resilient distributed constraint reasoning to autonomously configure and adapt IoT environments
P Rust, G Picard, F Ramparany
ACM Transactions on Internet Technology 22 (4), 1-31, 2022
Comparing the Energy Consumption of Java I/O Libraries and Methods
Z Ournani, R Rouvoy, P Rust, J Penhoat
ICSME 2021-37th International Conference on Software Maintenance and Evolution, 2021
Résilience et auto-réparation de processus de décisions multi-agents
P Rust, G Picard, F Ramparany
Journées Francophones sur les Systèmes Multi-Agents, 2019
Approche DCOP pour résoudre des problèmes de configuration économe d'environnements intelligents
P Rust, G Picard, F Ramparany
Journées Francophones sur les Systèmes Multi-Agents (JFSMA), 65-74, 2016
Déploiement de graphes de facteurs pour l’exécution d’algorithmes DCOP sur des infrastructures ouvertes
P Rust, G Picard, F Ramparany
Journées Francophones sur les Systèmes Multi-Agents, 0
Tales from the Code# 2: A Detailed Assessment of Code Refactoring’s Impact on Energy Consumption
Z Ournani, R Rouvoy, P Rust, J Penhoat
Software Technologies: 16th International Conference, ICSOFT 2021, Virtual …, 2022
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