Hua Tong
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Cited by
Revealing key structural features hidden in liquids and glasses
H Tanaka, H Tong, R Shi, J Russo
Nature Reviews Physics 1 (5), 333-348, 2019
Revealing hidden structural order controlling both fast and slow glassy dynamics in supercooled liquids
H Tong, H Tanaka
Physical Review X 8 (1), 011041, 2018
Structural order as a genuine control parameter of dynamics in simple glass formers
H Tong, H Tanaka
Nature communications 10 (1), 5596, 2019
Density affects the nature of the hexatic-liquid transition in two-dimensional melting of soft-core systems
M Zu, J Liu, H Tong, N Xu
Physical Review Letters 117 (8), 085702, 2016
From crystals to disordered crystals: A hidden order-disorder transition
H Tong, P Tan, N Xu
Scientific reports 5 (1), 15378, 2015
Fast crystal growth at ultra-low temperatures
Q Gao, J Ai, S Tang, M Li, Y Chen, J Huang, H Tong, L Xu, L Xu, ...
Nature Materials 20 (10), 1431-1439, 2021
Morphology selection kinetics of crystallization in a sphere
Y Chen, Z Yao, S Tang, H Tong, T Yanagishima, H Tanaka, P Tan
Nature Physics 17 (1), 121-127, 2021
Theory of excitons in cubic III-V semiconductor GaAs, InAs and GaN quantum dots: Fine structure and spin relaxation
H Tong, MW Wu
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 83 (23), 235323, 2011
Role of attractive interactions in structure ordering and dynamics of glass-forming liquids
H Tong, H Tanaka
Physical review letters 124 (22), 225501, 2020
Order parameter for structural heterogeneity in disordered solids
H Tong, N Xu
Physical Review E 90 (1), 010401, 2014
Emergent solidity of amorphous materials as a consequence of mechanical self-organisation
H Tong, S Sengupta, H Tanaka
Nature communications 11 (1), 4863, 2020
Experimental Test on Edwards Volume Ensemble of Tapped Granular Packings
Y Yuan, Y Xing, J Zheng, Z Li, H Yuan, S Zhang, Z Zeng, C Xia, H Tong, ...
Physical Review Letters 127, 018002, 2021
Electron spin relaxation in GaAs1− xBix: Effects of spin-orbit tuning by Bi incorporation
H Tong, X Marie, MW Wu
Journal of Applied Physics 112 (6), 2012
Friction-controlled entropy-stability competition in granular systems
X Sun, W Kob, R Blumenfeld, H Tong, Y Wang, J Zhang
Physical Review Letters 125 (26), 268005, 2020
Revealing thermally-activated nucleation pathways of diffusionless solid-to-solid transition
M Li, Z Yue, Y Chen, H Tong, H Tanaka, P Tan
Nature Communications 12 (1), 4042, 2021
Revealing inherent structural characteristics of jammed particulate packings
H Tong, H Hu, P Tan, N Xu, H Tanaka
Physical Review Letters 122 (21), 215502, 2019
Realizing negative Poisson's ratio in spring networks with close-packed lattice geometries
J Liu, Y Nie, H Tong, N Xu
Physical Review Materials 3 (5), 055607, 2019
Achieving adjustable elasticity with non-affine to affine transition
X Shen, C Fang, Z Jin, H Tong, S Tang, H Shen, N Xu, JHY Lo, X Xu, L Xu
Nature Materials 20 (12), 1635-1642, 2021
A universal state and its relaxation mechanisms of long-range interacting polygons
H Shen, H Tong, P Tan, L Xu
Nature communications 10 (1), 1737, 2019
Role of disorder in determining the vibrational properties of mass-spring networks
Y Nie, H Tong, J Liu, M Zu, N Xu
Frontiers of Physics 12, 1-11, 2017
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Articles 1–20