Grosges Thomas
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Identifying the best machine learning algorithms for brain tumor segmentation, progression assessment, and overall survival prediction in the BRATS challenge
S Bakas, M Reyes, A Jakab, S Bauer, M Rempfler, A Crimi, RT Shinohara, ...
arXiv preprint arXiv:1811.02629, 2018
A new image encryption scheme based on a chaotic function
M François, T Grosges, D Barchiesi, R Erra
Signal Processing: Image Communication 27 (3), 249-259, 2012
Fitting the optical constants of gold, silver, chromium, titanium, and aluminum in the visible bandwidth
D Barchiesi, T Grosges
Journal of Nanophotonics 8 (1), 083097-083097, 2014
Pseudo-random number generator based on mixing of three chaotic maps
M François, T Grosges, D Barchiesi, R Erra
Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation 19 (4), 887-895, 2014
Models of near-field spectroscopic studies: comparison between finite-element and finite-difference methods
T Grosges, A Vial, D Barchiesi
Optics Express 13 (21), 8483-8497, 2005
A new pseudo-random number generator based on two chaotic maps
M Francois, T Grosges, D Barchiesi, R Erra
Informatica 24 (2), 181-197, 2013
Retro-reflection of glass beads for traffic road stripe paints
T Grosges
Optical Materials 30 (10), 1549-1554, 2008
Plasmonics: influence of the intermediate (or stick) layer on the efficiency of sensors
D Barchiesi, D Macías, L Belmar-Letellier, D Van Labeke, ...
Applied Physics B: Lasers and Optics 93 (1), 177-181, 2008
Improved 3D adaptive remeshing scheme applied in high electromagnetic field gradient computation
H Borouchaki, T Grosges, D Barchiesi
Finite Elements in Analysis and Design 46 (1-2), 84-95, 2010
Global rainbow thermometry assessed by Airy and Lorenz-Mie theories and compared with phase Doppler anemometry
JPAJ van Beeck, T Grosges, MG De Giorgi
Applied optics 42 (19), 4016-4022, 2003
Image encryption algorithm based on a chaotic iterative process
M François, T Grosges, D Barchiesi, R Erra
Scientific Research Publishing, 2012
Nanoshells for photothermal therapy: a Monte-Carlo based numerical study of their design tolerance
T Grosges, D Barchiesi, S Kessentini, G Gréhan, M Lamy de la Chapelle
Biomedical optics express 2 (6), 1584-1596, 2011
Design of nanostructures for imaging and biomedical applications by plasmonic optimization
T Grosges, D Barchiesi, T Toury, G Gréhan
Optics letters 33 (23), 2812-2814, 2008
A Poincaré's approach for plasmonics: the plasmon localization
D Barchiési, E Kremer, VP Mai, T Grosges
Journal of Microscopy 229 (3), 525-532, 2008
Ionization of H- by a strong ultrashort laser pulse
GL Kamta, T Grosges, R Hasbani, B Piraux, E Cormier, H Bachau
Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics 34 (5), 857-867, 2001
Localized surface plasmon resonance in arrays of nano-gold cylinders: inverse problem and propagation of uncertainties
D Barchiesi, S Kessentini, N Guillot, M Lamy de la Chapelle, T Grosges
Optics Express 21 (2), 2245-2262, 2013
European credit transfer and accumulation system: An alternative way to calculate the ECTS grades
T Grosges, D Barchiesi
Higher Education in Europe 32 (2-3), 213-227, 2007
Gold nanoparticles as a photothermal agent in cancer therapy: the thermal ablation characteristic length
T Grosges, D Barchiesi
Molecules 23 (6), 1316, 2018
Combined SPR and SERS: Otto and Kretschman configurations
D Barchiesi, T Grosges, F Colas, M Lamy de la Chapelle
Journal of Optics 17 (11), 114009, 2015
Improved scheme for accurate computation of high electric near-field gradients
T Grosges, H Borouchaki, D Barchiesi
Optics Express 15 (3), 1307-1321, 2007
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