Antoine Despinasse
Antoine Despinasse
Etudiant en médecine, Université de médecine de Nice
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Automatically segmenting the left atrium from cardiac images using successive 3D U-nets and a contour loss
S Jia, A Despinasse, Z Wang, H Delingette, X Pennec, P Jaïs, H Cochet, ...
Statistical Atlases and Computational Models of the Heart. Atrial …, 2019
Correlating predicted epigenetic marks with expression data to find interactions between SNPs and genes
A Despinasse, Y Park, M Lapi, M Kellis
bioRxiv, 2020.02. 29.970962, 2020
Automatically Segmenting the Left Atrium from Cardiac Images Using Successive 3D U-Nets
S Jia, A Despinasse, Z Wang, H Delingette, X Pennec, P Jaïs, H Cochet, ...
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