sandro bimonte
sandro bimonte
inrae, tscf, clermont ferrand
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Towards a spatial multidimensional model
S Bimonte, A Tchounikine, M Miquel
Proceedings of the 8th ACM International Workshop on Data Warehousing and …, 2005
When spatial analysis meets OLAP: multidimensional model and operators
S Bimonte, A Tchounikine, M Miquel, F Pinet
Exploring Advances in Interdisciplinary Data Mining and Analytics: New …, 2012
Spatial OLAP: Open issues and a Web based prototype
S Bimonte, A Tchounikine, M Miquel
10th AGILE International Conference on Geographic Information Science, 11, 2007
Conceptual model for spatial data cubes: A UML profile and its automatic implementation
K Boulil, S Bimonte, F Pinet
Computer Standards & Interfaces 38, 113-132, 2015
Cost models for view materialization in the cloud
TVA Nguyen, S Bimonte, L d'Orazio, J Darmont
Proceedings of the 2012 Joint EDBT/ICDT Workshops, 47-54, 2012
Multidimensional modeling and analysis of large and complex watercourse data: an OLAP-based solution
K Boulil, F Le Ber, S Bimonte, C Grac, F Cernesson
Ecological informatics 24, 90-106, 2014
Geocube, a multidimensional model and navigation operators handling complex measures: Application in spatial olap
S Bimonte, A Tchounikine, M Miquel
International Conference on Advances in Information Systems, 100-109, 2006
Gewolap: A web based spatial olap proposal
S Bimonte, P Wehrle, A Tchounikine, M Miquel
On the Move to Meaningful Internet Systems 2006: OTM 2006 Workshops: OTM …, 2006
Intégration de l'information géographique dans les entrepôts de données et l'analyse en ligne: de la modélisation à la visualisation
S Bimonte
Unpublished doctoral dissertation, Lyon, France, 2007
Integrating google earth within olap tools for multidimensional exploration and analysis of spatial data
S Di Martino, S Bimonte, M Bertolotto, F Ferrucci
Enterprise Information Systems: 11th International Conference, ICEIS 2009 …, 2009
Data variety, come as you are in multi-model data warehouses
S Bimonte, E Gallinucci, P Marcel, S Rizzi
Information Systems 104, 101734, 2022
A new Spatial OLAP approach for the analysis of Volunteered Geographic Information
S Bimonte, O Boucelma, O Machabert, S Sellami
Computers, environment and urban systems 48, 111-123, 2014
Multidimensional model design using data mining: A rapid prototyping methodology
S Bimonte, L Sautot, L Journaux, B Faivre
International Journal of Data Warehousing and Mining (IJDWM) 13 (1), 1-35, 2017
Spatial olap and map generalization: Model and algebra
S Bimonte, M Bertolotto, J Gensel, O Boussaid
International Journal of Data Warehousing and Mining (IJDWM) 8 (1), 24-51, 2012
Requirements-driven data warehouse design based on enhanced pivot tables
S Bimonte, L Antonelli, S Rizzi
Requirements Engineering 26, 43-65, 2021
ProtOLAP: rapid OLAP prototyping with on-demand data supply
S Bimonte, É Edoh-Alove, H Nazih, MA Kang, S Rizzi
Proceedings of the sixteenth international workshop on Data warehousing and …, 2013
The use of UML to design agricultural data warehouses
F Pinet, A Miralles, S Bimonte, F Vernier, N Carluer, V Gouy, S Bernard
AgEng: Agricultural Engineering, 10, 2010
Spatial online analytical processing of geographic data through the Google Earth interface
S Di Martino, S Bimonte, M Bertolotto, F Ferrucci, V Leano
Geocomputation, sustainability and environmental planning, 163-182, 2011
Multidimensional arrays for warehousing data on clouds
L d’Orazio, S Bimonte
Data Management in Grid and Peer-to-Peer Systems: Third International …, 2010
Un modèle UML et des contraintes OCL pour les entrepôts de données spatiales: De la représentation conceptuelle à l'implémentation
K Boulil, S Bimonte, F Pinet
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