Bo Liu
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Fault detection for T–S fuzzy discrete systems in finite-frequency domain
H Yang, Y Xia, B Liu
IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, Part B (Cybernetics) 41 …, 2011
Data-driven predictive control for networked control systems
Y Xia, W Xie, B Liu, X Wang
Information Sciences 235, 45-54, 2013
Trajectory tracking control of a one degree of freedom manipulator based on a switched sliding mode controller with a novel extended state observer framework
L Zhao, Q Li, B Liu, H Cheng
IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics: Systems 49 (6), 1110-1118, 2017
Angle tracking adaptive backstepping control for a mechanism of pneumatic muscle actuators via an AESO
L Zhao, H Cheng, Y Xia, B Liu
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics 66 (6), 4566-4576, 2018
Active disturbance rejection control for power plant with a single loop
Y Xia, B Liu, M Fu
Asian Journal of Control 14 (1), 239-250, 2012
Fault detection and compensation for linear systems over networks with random delays and clock asynchronism
B Liu, Y Xia
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics 58 (9), 4396-4406, 2011
A finite-time control for a pneumatic cylinder servo system based on a super-twisting extended state observer
L Zhao, C Zheng, Y Wang, B Liu
IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics: Systems 51 (2), 1164-1173, 2019
Deep Neural Networks with Extreme Learning Machine for Seismic Data Compression
HH Nuha, A Balghonaim, B Liu, M Mohandes, M Deriche, F Fekri
Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering 45 (3), 1367-1377, 2020
Efficient Kernel-Based Ensemble Gaussian Mixture Filtering
B Liu, B Ait-El-Fquih, I Hoteit
Monthly Weather Review 144 (2), 781-800, 2016
A Distributed Principal Component Analysis Compression for Smart Seismic Acquisition Networks
B Liu, M Mohandes, H Nuha, M Deriche, F Fekri
IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing 56 (6), 3020-3029, 2018
Guaranteed cost control of networked control systems based on delta operator Kalman filter
H Yang, Y Xia, P Shi, B Liu
International Journal of Adaptive Control and Signal Processing 27 (8), 701-717, 2013
New predictive control scheme for networked control systems
B Liu, Y Xia, MS Mahmoud, H Wu, S Cui
Circuits, Systems, and Signal Processing 31, 945-960, 2012
Stabilisation of quantised linear systems with packet dropout
J Yan, Y Xia, B Liu, M Fu
IET control theory & applications 5 (8), 982-989, 2011
Composite differential search algorithm
B Liu
Journal of Applied Mathematics 2014 (1), 294703, 2014
Design and performance analysis of networked control systems with random delay
X Yuanqing, F Mengyin, L Bo, L Guoping
Journal of Systems Engineering and Electronics 20 (4), 807-822, 2009
Double-loop tracking control for a wheeled mobile robot with unmodeled dynamics along right angle roads
L Zhao, J Li, H Li, B Liu
ISA transactions 136, 525-534, 2023
Seismic data compression using auto-associative neural network and restricted Boltzmann machine
H Nuha, M Mohandes, B Liu
SEG Technical Program Expanded Abstracts 2018, 186-190, 2018
A multitone model-based seismic data compression
B Liu, M Mohandes, H Nuha, M Deriche, F Fekri, JH McClellan
IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics: Systems 52 (2), 1030-1040, 2021
Stabilization of quantized systems based on Kalman filter
Y Xia, J Yan, J Shang, M Fu, B Liu
Control Engineering Practice 20 (10), 954-962, 2012
Robust fault detection of linear systems over networks with bounded packet loss
B Liu, Y Xia, Y Yang, M Fu
Journal of the Franklin Institute 349 (7), 2480-2499, 2012
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