Yosra Ben Mustapha
Yosra Ben Mustapha
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Cited by
Botnets: lifecycle and taxonomy
N Hachem, YB Mustapha, GG Granadillo, H Debar
2011 Conference on Network and Information Systems Security, 1-8, 2011
An ontology-based model for SIEM environments
G Gonzalez Granadillo, Y Ben Mustapha, N Hachem, H Debar
International Conference on e-Democracy, 148-155, 2011
An ontology-driven approach to model SIEM information and operations using the SWRL formalism
G Gonzalez Granadillo, Y Ben Mustapha, N Hachem, H Debar
International Journal of Electronic Security and Digital Forensics 7 4 (2-3 …, 2012
Xpacml extensible privacy access control markup langua
K Bekara, YB Mustapha, M Laurent
The Second International Conference on Communications and Networking, 1-5, 2010
Limitation of honeypot/honeynet databases to enhance alert correlation
YB Mustapha, H Débar, G Jacob
International Conference on Mathematical Methods, Models, and Architectures …, 2012
Policy enforcement point model
Y Ben Mustapha, H Debar, G Blanc
International Conference on Security and Privacy in Communication Networks …, 2015
Service dependencies-aware policy enforcement framework based on hierarchical colored petri net
Y Ben Mustapha, H Debar
International Symposium on Security in Computing and Communication, 313-321, 2013
Ensuring low cost authentication with privacy preservation in federated ims environments
K Bekara, YB Mustapha, S Bouzefrane, K Garri, M Laurent, P Thoniel
2011 4th IFIP International Conference on New Technologies, Mobility and …, 2011
Alert correlation towards an efficient response decision support
Y Ben Mustapha
Evry, Institut national des télécommunications, 2015
Alert correlation towards an efficient response decision support
YB Mustapha
Institut National des Télécommunications, 2015
eXtensible Privacy Access Control Markup
K Bekara, YB Mustapha, M Laurent
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Articles 1–11