Mélanie Becker
Mélanie Becker
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Sea level variations at tropical Pacific islands since 1950
M Becker, B Meyssignac, C Letetrel, W Llovel, A Cazenave, T Delcroix
Global and Planetary Change 80, 85-98, 2012
Recent hydrological behavior of the East African great lakes region inferred from GRACE, satellite altimetry and rainfall observations
M Becker, W LLovel, A Cazenave, A Güntner, JF Crétaux
Comptes Rendus. Géoscience 342 (3), 223-233, 2010
Global evaluation of the ISBA-TRIP continental hydrological system. Part II: Uncertainties in river routing simulation related to flow velocity and groundwater storage
B Decharme, R Alkama, H Douville, M Becker, A Cazenave
Journal of Hydrometeorology 11 (3), 601-617, 2010
Water level changes, subsidence, and sea level rise in the Ganges–Brahmaputra–Meghna delta
M Becker, F Papa, M Karpytchev, C Delebecque, Y Krien, JU Khan, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 2020
An assessment of two-dimensional past sea level reconstructions over 1950–2009 based on tide-gauge data and different input sea level grids
B Meyssignac, M Becker, W Llovel, A Cazenave
Surveys in Geophysics 33 (5), 945-972, 2012
Interannual variability in water storage over 2003–2008 in the Amazon Basin from GRACE space gravimetry, in situ river level and precipitation data
L Xavier, M Becker, A Cazenave, L Longuevergne, W Llovel, ...
Remote Sensing of Environment 114 (8), 1629-1637, 2010
Global evaluation of the ISBA-TRIP continental hydrological system. Part I: Comparison to GRACE terrestrial water storage estimates and in situ river discharges
R Alkama, B Decharme, H Douville, M Becker, A Cazenave, J Sheffield, ...
Journal of Hydrometeorology 11 (3), 583-600, 2010
Terrestrial waters and sea level variations on interannual time scale
W Llovel, M Becker, A Cazenave, S Jevrejeva, R Alkama, B Decharme, ...
Global and Planetary Change 75 (1-2), 76-82, 2011
Tropical Pacific spatial trend patterns in observed sea level: internal variability and/or anthropogenic signature?
B Meyssignac, D Salas y Melia, M Becker, W Llovel, A Cazenave
Climate of the Past 8 (2), 787-802, 2012
Global surveys of reservoirs and lakes from satellites and regional application to the Syrdarya river basin
JF Crétaux, S Biancamaria, A Arsen, M Bergé-Nguyen, M Becker
Environmental Research Letters 10 (1), 015002, 2015
Estimating ENSO influence on the global mean sea level, 1993–2010
A Cazenave, O Henry, S Munier, T Delcroix, AL Gordon, B Meyssignac, ...
Marine Geodesy 35 (sup1), 82-97, 2012
Regional sea level change and variability in the Caribbean Sea since 1950
H Palanisamy, M Becker, B Meyssignac, O Henry, A Cazenave
Journal of Geodetic Science 2 (2), 125-133, 2012
Satellite-based estimates of surface water dynamics in the Congo River Basin
M Becker, F Papa, F Frappart, D Alsdorf, S Calmant, JS da Silva, ...
International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation 66 …, 2018
Past terrestrial water storage (1980–2008) in the Amazon Basin reconstructed from GRACE and in situ river gauging data
M Becker, B Meyssignac, L Xavier, A Cazenave, R Alkama, B Decharme
Hydrology and Earth System Sciences 15 (2), 533-546, 2011
Is coastal mean sea level rising faster than the global mean? A comparison between tide gauges and satellite altimetry over 1993–2007
P Prandi, A Cazenave, M Becker
Geophysical Research Letters 36 (5), 2009
Water Level Fluctuations in the Congo Basin Derived from ENVISAT Satellite Altimetry
M Becker, JS da Silva, S Calmant, V Robinet, L Linguet, F Seyler
Remote Sensing 6 (10), 9340-9358, 2014
Global land water storage change from GRACE over 2002–2009; Inference on sea level
W Llovel, M Becker, A Cazenave, JF Crétaux, G Ramillien
Comptes Rendus. Géoscience 342 (3), 179-188, 2010
Towards improved storm surge models in the northern Bay of Bengal
Y Krien, L Testut, A Islam, X Bertin, F Durand, C Mayet, AR Tazkia, ...
Continental Shelf Research 135, 58-73, 2017
Long‐term sea level trends: Natural or anthropogenic?
M Becker, M Karpytchev, S Lennartz‐Sassinek
Geophysical Research Letters 41 (15), 5571-5580, 2014
Impact of continental freshwater runoff on coastal sea level
F Durand, CG Piecuch, M Becker, F Papa, SV Raju, JU Khan, RM Ponte
Surveys in Geophysics 40, 1437-1466, 2019
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