Gaia Dell'Ariccia
Gaia Dell'Ariccia
Auckland Council
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Credit booms and lending standards: Evidence from the subprime mortgage market
G Dell’Ariccia, D Igan, LUC Laeven
Journal of Money, Credit and Banking 44 (2‐3), 367-384, 2012
Long flights and age affect oxidative status of homing pigeons(Columba livia)
D Costantini, G Dell'Ariccia, HP Lipp
Journal of Experimental Biology 211 (3), 377-381, 2008
Flock flying improves pigeons' homing: GPS track analysis of individual flyers versus small groups
G Dell'Ariccia, G Dell'Omo, DP Wolfer, HP Lipp
Animal Behaviour 76 (4), 1165-1172, 2008
EEG responses to visual landmarks in flying pigeons
AL Vyssotski, G Dell'Omo, G Dell'Ariccia, AN Abramchuk, AN Serkov, ...
Current Biology 19 (14), 1159-1166, 2009
Plumage microbiota covaries with the major histocompatibility complex in blue petrels
S Leclaire, M Strandh, G Dell’Ariccia, M Gabirot, H Westerdahl, ...
Molecular ecology 28 (4), 833-846, 2019
Anosmia impairs homing orientation but not foraging behaviour in free-ranging shearwaters
O Padget, G Dell’Ariccia, A Gagliardo, J González-Solís, T Guilford
Scientific reports 7 (1), 9668, 2017
Olfactory foraging in temperate waters: sensitivity to dimethylsulphide of shearwaters in the Atlantic Ocean and Mediterranean Sea
G Dell'Ariccia, A Célérier, M Gabirot, P Palmas, B Massa, F Bonadonna
Journal of experimental Biology 217 (10), 1701-1709, 2014
Testing cognitive navigation in unknown territories: homing pigeons choose different targets
N Blaser, G Dell'Omo, G Dell'Ariccia, DP Wolfer, HP Lipp
Journal of Experimental Biology 216 (16), 3123-3131, 2013
Comment on “Marine plastic debris emits a keystone infochemical for olfactory foraging seabirds” by Savoca et al.
G Dell’Ariccia, RA Phillips, JA Van Franeker, N Gaidet, P Catry, ...
Science advances 3 (6), e1700526, 2017
Back home at night or out until morning? Nycthemeral variations in homing of anosmic Cory's shearwaters in a diurnal colony
G Dell'Ariccia, F Bonadonna
Journal of Experimental Biology 216 (8), 1430-1433, 2013
Chemical labels differ between two closely related shearwater taxa
M Gabirot, L Raux, G Dell'Ariccia, J Bried, R Ramos, J González‐Solís, ...
Journal of Avian Biology 47 (4), 540-551, 2016
Flexible migratory choices of Cory’s shearwaters are not driven by shifts in prevailing air currents
G Dell’Ariccia, S Benhamou, MP Dias, JP Granadeiro, J Sudre, P Catry, ...
Scientific Reports 8 (1), 3376, 2018
The influence of experience in orientation: GPS tracking of homing pigeons released over the sea after directional training
G Dell'Ariccia, G Dell'Omo, HP Lipp
Journal of Experimental Biology 212 (2), 178-183, 2009
Waiting time before release increases the motivation to home in homing pigeons (Columba livia)
G Dell'Ariccia, D Costantini, G Dell'Omo, HP Lipp
Journal of Experimental Biology 212 (20), 3361-3364, 2009
First GPS-tracking of Cory's shearwater in the Mediterranean Sea
G Dell'Ariccia, G Dell'Omo, B Massa, F Bonadonna
Italian Journal of Zoology 77 (3), 339-346, 2010
Reproductive isolation maintains distinct genotypes, phenotypes and chemical signatures in mixed colonies of the two European Calonectris shearwaters …
T Zidat, G Dell’Ariccia, M Gabirot, P Sourrouille, B Buatois, A Celerier, ...
Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society 181 (3), 711-726, 2017
Mediterranean storm petrels rely on nest position for homing after migration: a test with artificial nestboxes
G Dell'Ariccia, L Blanc, F Bonadonna, A Sanz-Aguilar
Animal behaviour 107, 97-104, 2015
& Bonadonna, F.(2017). Comment on “Marine plastic debris emits a keystone infochemical for olfactory foraging seabirds” by Savoca et al
G Dell’Ariccia, RA Phillips, JA Van Franeker, N Gaidet, P Catry, ...
Science advances 3 (6), e1700526, 0
Spostamenti dei pic cioni romani: uno studio preliminare con il GPS
G Dell’Ariccia, HP Lipp, G Dell’Omo
Alula 12, 97-102, 2005
Pigeon studies
D Costantini, HP Lipp, G Dell'Ariccia, G Dell'Omo, AL Vyssotski, DP Wolfer, ...
Behav Brain Res 213, 304-12, 2010
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