Nhan Nguyen
Nhan Nguyen
Master of Computer Science, University of Science, Vietnam
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A potential approach for emotion prediction using heart rate signals
NT Nguyen, NV Nguyen, MHT Tran, BT Nguyen
2017 9th International Conference on Knowledge and Systems Engineering (KSE …, 2017
A potential approach for mobility prediction using GPS data
BT Nguyen, NV Nguyen, NT Nguyen, MHT Tran
2017 seventh international conference on information science and technology …, 2017
Residents’ waste management practices in a developing country: a social practice theory analysis
AT Nguyen, N Nguyen, P Phung, N Yến-Khanh
Environmental Challenges 13, 100770, 2023
Multilinear mappings based on weil pairing over elliptic curves
MHT Tran, TT Ton, TD Nguyen, NT Nguyen, NV Nguyen, BT Nguyen
2017 4th NAFOSTED Conference on Information and Computer Science, 138-143, 2017
Fusing Mobile Sensors for Paper Keyboard On-the-Go
TV Anh Nguyen, Duy Nguyen, Nhan Nguyen, Ashwin Ashok, Binh Nguyen, Bao Pham
Proceedings of the 15th Annual International Conference on Mobile Systems …, 2017
Environmental Challenges
AT Nguyen, N Nguyen, P Phung, N Yến-Khanh
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